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Canola oil vs. Extra Virgin Olive oil

Which is the healthier oil for cooking and frying?

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Definitely olive oil. But for high temp cooking you may want something with a higher smoke point like tallow, butter, or coconut oil. Of course limiting very high temp cooking is also probably a healthy practice


Healthier? Evoo, but that doesn’t mean it’s always better to use vs canola. For something like stir-fry veggies or oven baked potatoes i would use olive oil. If I were to deep fry or pan fry something like chicken, fish or French fries I’m going with the canola. Thats not a health choice, its just that you get a better end product with the canola oil for that purpose as canola stands up better to the higher heat.


Canola oil is… Garbage.

Actually its not just garbage, its a an industrial machine oil product made out of rapeseeds that was used exclusively for this purpose in the 19th century and somehow made available for human consumption in the 20th century when fat became demonized. This first occurred after 1950 when the POTUS had a heart attack and everyone freaked out, so industries used the opportunity to demonize butter, and bam came margarine (made with canola)… and for the first time humans began to consume this.

Rapeseed, the seed that canola is made of is so toxic and bitter that even insects won’t touch it, and it is about 100 times more toxic than soy beans.

Rapeseed oil, or Canola oil as it was renamed for the sake of marketing, is also used as a lubricant, fuel, soap & synthetic rubber base. And its made in extremely high heat and then has fragrance chemicals added to it to cover its awful smell.

So… To answer your question:

EVOO is 100 times better by far, but for cooking I’d recommend avocado oil as it is more heat resistant.


Never use canola oil or vegetable oil if you can avoid it. Olive oil is not great to use for cooking because its compensation changes when heated at high temperatures making it unhealthy. I suggest cooking with avocado oil.


I try to avoid all safflower/sunflower/canola/palm oils at all costs. They’re pro-inflammatory, cheap oils that manufacturers use to save $

It’s amazing how many products you’ll find those oils in, e.g. bread, crackers, tortilla chips, hummus, etc.


I like tallow, butter, or coconut oil for cooking or frying, as they are predominantly saturated fats and therefore are much more heat stable. Olive oil is certainly better than industrial seed oils like canola oil, but it’s a predominantly monounsaturated fat, so it’s not very heat stable, and is best used for sauces or drizzling rather than cooking/frying.


It also depends on the smoke point of an oil.

The higher the smoke point the less chance it has of burning & therefore becoming carcinogenic.

Canola Oil 400°F/205°C

EVOO 325-375°F/165-190°C


If you disagree with this please include a reference.


I asked Deli employee in local chain supermarket “what kind of oil they use?” The answer is Canola Oil.

It is too much work for us to fry at home for us. We have EVO and Sesame Oil @ home.

We have no preference for either one. If your frying machine can control temperature well, either one is good. Follow instructions to manage oil.



>Is canola oil higher heat than olive oil?

>At 460℉ (238℃), canola oil has a higher smoke point than either regular or extra virgin olive oil — 410℉ (210℃) and 383℉ (195℃), respectively (11, 12 ). … That’s why canola oil is better suited for high-heat frying, including deep frying and searing. May 2, 2019


Hate to say it but oils are not healthy neither is deep frying. Where in nature do you find oils extracted from seeds or fruits?

I think the best fat to use for frying is good old animal fat (tallow or lard).


EVOO is the healthiest choice but the problem is that It has a strong flavour. Can’t fry potato chips for example with EVOO, it’s disgusting. At least for me. But it’s the best choice for a lot of recipes (for example to cook the onions before throwing in the meat for the bolognese)


EVOO is a much healthier oil but it’s not great for cooking since most of the properties that make it healthier are burned off as it has a relatively low smoke point. Plus EVOO is more expensive than regular olive oil, so you can just use regular olive oil for cooking and EVOO for things that need oil but less/low/no heat!

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