Out of these two food options what is a healthier protein?
After a simple google search, every forum is telling me chicken breast is lower in calories than chicken tenderloin. However, when comparing the nutrition labels at my local Kroger, 4 oz of breasts is 110 cals, and 4 oz of...
I hope this ain’t a weird question but it’s been on my mind.
It’s technically part of the breast right? Or does it differ like the thighs do to the wings or drumstick?
i dont have bone broth, but can i use chicken noodle soup as a substitution to break my 3 day fast?
Any UK users know where the best value for money is in which Supermarket, or am I best to try local butchers instead? thanks in advance :)
If i cooked rotten chicken breasts will it maintain or lose the protein in it?
I often pan cook breaded chicken breasts and dont know which option is the most accurate in myfitnesspal as there is no confirmed breaded chicken breasts food.
I’ve been buying from Sams for years but the past few months it has been disgusting. Spoiling early, chewy/stringy.. I can’t imagine it’s the best quality. Any alternative stores or ideas? Located In the Midwest.
Hey, can anyone solve this mystery for me😅 I can't know how much calories there's in chicken legs(drumstick and thigh) with bone and with/out skin, and how much protein and fat?
I check multiple websites and Calculators and one say 77 grams of protein in MyFitnessPal but multiple others say 58 to 9 ounces of raw chicken breast
Question is as the title suggests, just a random thought that I had and couldn’t find a answer from a quick google search
Lets say a skinless whole chicken (raw) weighs around 1Kg. Is there any resource or rough estimation to note down how many calories it contains. On a side note. If all the meat is removed from the cooked chicken and we...
Can anybody help me understand the difference in Kcal's between the USDA website for boneless skinless chicken breast, and what's on the back of the Perdue and Tyson's packaging? I get so confused why the USDA's is so much higher. ...
Costco chicken thighs nutrition label seems quite a bit off.... what do you guys think of this? per 4 oz 130 cal 4.5 fat 22 protein other stores thighs per 4 oz has fat as high as 12 per 4 oz
I've often heard that Duck is actually quite lean, if you remove the skin and visible fat. Is that true?
How much of a healthy option is this? I added the ranch for a little flavor but How much damage would the sauce do if I’m trying to lose weight?
does chicken breast calories vary per brand and package? i’ve been eating 1lb a day for a good source of protein during my cut and from what one package said it was only around 350 cals but other sources (online)...
Its been a few days
Ok so I haven't been able to find much information about this so I thought I would ask here. What do you think about plant based chicken nuggets like morning star, Boca, gardien vs meat chicken nuggets like Tyson, banquet,...
I've started to calorie count and bought myself a food scale. Made air fryed chicken tenders for my lunches but can't seem to find the right calories to go based off of. I.e one of my containers are 10.5 oz...
I just found out my parents boil chicken and carrots for the dogs every week then throw out the liquid at the end. I tried it today and it tastes just like broth with no salt. I was kind of annoyed...
I make black bean soup in my instant pot using 1lb of dry black beans and five cups of super gelatinous homemade chicken stock, along with some onions, garlic and spices. I understand that it doesn’t matter if I...
According to the nutrition facts on google: * There are 85mg of cholesterol in 100g of chicken breast * There are 80mg of cholesterol in 100g of ribeye steak Ribeye is one of the fattiest cuts of meat, and chicken breast is one...
People tend to drink bone broth for the collagen, minerals, etc. Does Better Than Bouillon (the condensed broth paste) have the same nutritional benefits as traditional bone broth made from scratch?
Been searching far and wide to know how many calories are in raw chicken breast. I’ve seen some people say that in 100 grams, there are 120 calories and other saying that in 100 grams, there are 165 calories. I...
Say I pressure boil a chicken carcass in water for an hour or so. The bones at this point crumble easy in my fingers, and the majority of the fat and collagen has rendered out. If I get all the bones...
Hey guys just wondering as I keep hearing how chicken and beef have antibiotics in them or growth hormones and I'm just kinda wondering if that stuff is actually bad for you. I know restaurants be using chicken from Walmart...
According to the german site naehrwertrechner.de (https://www.naehrwertrechner.de/naehrwerte/V531100/Rind+Leber+roh?menge=100), the vitamin a content in raw beef liver is 59666iu & the copper content 3.2mg. According to cronometer the vitamin a content is 16898iu & the copper content 9.8mg. For chicken liver it‘s 42666iu...
How unhealthy are they cooking in a frying pan with no oil or anything added? Are they similar to chicken breast if you don’t bread and fry them and add a bunch of sauces? Edit: I mean just cut off the...
I recently ordered an instant pot and I'm noticing that pressure cooking chicken literally dissolves all the cartilidge into the broth, whereas when I boil it the cartilidge stays intact and has to be thrown out. Also I notice pressure cooking...
Basically title, marinated some chicken breast cubes 200g and chucked them in the airfryer and decided to weigh them after they were done. It came out to be 100g. Macro wise when recording this should one enter 100g or 200g?...
From my logic, lean ham and cold cut chicken breast (eaten on bread) should be closer to meat rather than highly processed sausages. This is why I think they could be consumed with the same frequency as meat and...
I am nervous about the hormones, micro plastics, and heavy metals that meat can have. I have no interest in becoming vegan, however I am curious. Which of these meats are overall the most “clean”?
At restaurants we get to choose the level of cook-ness of the steak, rare to well and everything in between. But why is it said that we have to cook chicken fully? Edit: got the answer that chicken has more bacteria...
Everything I read about Buffalo says it has less cholesterol, fat, and more priests in than even chicken. Does this mean, that even though it is a red meat, it is better for us than chicken? Hopefully this isn’t removed...
Decided to get Arby's for dinner tonight, I know it's not health food. I know that chicken is better than beef but since their chicken is fried while the beef is not, I assumed it would be healthier. To my...
Ive tried making chicken breast on my own multiple times but they always end up not tasting good. I used to buy pre-cooked frozen chicken breast from kroger that were pretty food, but i no longer live near a kroger....
Poultry (meat and eggs), and pork, when compared with other meats (beef, goat, bison, etc…) has a vastly different fatty acid profile, being much higher in Linoleic acid, and lower in stearic. This has led me to wonder: is this difference...
"If you have risk factors for heart disease, you should not consume more than 200 milligrams of cholesterol a day. If you do not have risk factors for heart disease, you should limit your cholesterol intake to no more than...
I have always bought plain rotisserie chicken from Sprouts grocery stores. Recently, I noticed something alarming. The plain chicken now contains cane sugar and natural flavors. I asked the Sprouts meat counter employee and they said that they do not...
Today was the first day I made a mug of hot chicken broth using a powder I bought. I don’t know what I was expecting but it was difficult to finish due to the intense taste. Maybe I added too...
I have been contemplating incorporating humanely raised animals products and foods into my vegetarian diet for some time, I was wondering - is it worth it? Edit: What I'm particularly curious about is, the negative effects associated with common red meats,...
When trying to lose weight it is obvious chicken is one of the best meats to eat.thighs are usually tastier for somez is that counterproductive given the higher fat content in thighs?
Which broth has the most bang for its buck? Chicken, beef, veggies etc.
Weird question, but do garbanzo beans/chickpeas replace the carb or the veggies in a meal? So would chicken, rice and chickpeas be more complete or would chicken, chickpeas and veggies be better overall? Thanks!
When weighing your chicken raw and the macros count the food raw and lets say its 100g but after cooking it's 75g, wouldnt the chicken be 75g the whole time because the other 25g was water. I'd understand if...
I’m wanting to learn how to be more Keto with IF. I’m a month into it and adjusting well to 18:6. Have a solid 5 to loose forever to meet my 2022 goal. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Hello all, I’m looking to really get back into clean eating and lifting. However I don’t have a ton of money and time to spend on meal prep, so do you guys have any ideas on (somewhat) cheap meals that...
What is the thing with the “rice and chicken diet”? I feel like both people who are cutting and bulking are eating like that?! (Not everyone, I know:)). High or low in calories? I don’t understandddd
For example Google tells me chicken breast has 30g of protein per 100g. My chicken breast I bought says on label 21g of protein. I wonder if they test this? And why such a big discrepancy. Perhaps if the chicken...
I am a bit tired of just eggs and chicken...
Im going to start keto next week and was wondering what everyone else eats and whether or not it affects your gains.
I’m 38F, at 159 I’m bigger than I’ve ever been and want to get down to my modeling weight which was 139. I meal plan so that I remember to eat on my schedule. Mostly chicken and rice with vegetables...
If someone wants to build muscle and could only eat one meal for the rest of their life, what should that person eat? Chicken, rice and broccoli?
Do skinless, boneless, frozen chicken breast from Tysons, say, come under the type one carcinogen label by the WHO? Edit: Here’s an example of what I’m talking about: https://www.tyson.com/products/frozen-chicken-breast-tenderloins/
For instance if I boil chicken, how much protein will dissolve into the water? (If you can put it like that)
Need some guidance
My hunger goes through the roof when I eat chicken, eggs, protein shakes but not when I eat rice, pasta and bread. I’ve always been like this and it’s not recent. So what’s the deal?
I love a good schwarma meal but I'd imagine it has so much fat and oil in it. What do you all think- do you eat or usually avoid it?
Basically just wondering if there’s much difference between eating some shitty frozen chicken strips and oven chips from Tesco or something vs nuggets and fries from McDonald’s, in terms of the additives and all that stuff.
I've been using frozen chicken tenders and burger patties but would like a better source. Occasionally I'll use frozen salmon but curious for better quality and easy protein sources. I usually air fry the frozen proteins.
Looking to meal prep for IF and strength training. Slow cooker recipes are easiest for me to use since I’m a shift worker. Looking for lunch recipes under 600 calories and high in protein. Doing great with IF and want...
yesterday i finished my first 3 day fast and had chicken parm to break it, today i was expecting my hunger to return to normal but i haven’t been hungry at all, should i wait untill i’m actually hungry or...
I’ve been away from the Snake Diet community for a while and while I’m back here now I’m seeing people mention drinking broth I’ve seen it mentioned way before but even then I was never really tuned in to why...
I'm talking about food items such as white rice, super greens, and the broccoli beef. It can't be all that bad for you right?
Welcome to the weekly [r/Nutrition](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nutrition/) feature post for questions related to your personal diet and circumstances. Wondering if you are eating too much of something, not enough of something, or if what you regularly eat has the nutritional content you...
I don’t like to supplement what I’m supposed to eat normally. I’m working out while OMAD and trying to eat 170g of protein daily. Wondering if anyone is in the same camp and finding success. What are...
Whenever I try to search it up, whether it be with google or DuckDuckGo, it just links articles about the effects of eggs on LDL and HDL cholesterol in blood levels but I’m not interested in that. I’ve read that...
I just finished a 44.5 hour extended fast. At hour 31 (just before sleeping for the night) I hydrated myself with some electrolytes fearing dehydration because my pee was very yellow and less flow. Woke up completely normal. Had another bottle...
Last time i tryed to do a rolling fast(2 days fast, 1 day eating something), I failed at roughly at the 4th day because i developed an extreme craving for (oddly enough) chicken meat. Like I could have eaten tons...
Hello, I have what I hope to be a simple question, yet I don't know how to find this on the internet myself. Let's say I am buying some chicken crumble, and it advertises as 17% protein. Does this mean,...
I usually follow the ADF model of fasting but I currently have the flu. I was reading online that it is best to eat when you have the flu as it provides proper nutrients to help fight it, while not...
Those of you who do OMAD, how do you decide what goes into your one meal?
Can someone compare and contrast egg lands best vs “normal” store bought eggs vs cage free . I don’t need you to lay out nutritional info but rather pros and cons of how chickens are raised and what goes into the...
Generally speaking, when meal-prepping poultry, I tend to cook bone-in, skin-on cuts of meat because I find that they tend to be more forgiving during the cooking and reheating process. Before consumption, I tend to remove the skin because...
Hey Guys, I think we should all post meals weve done for our refeeds for fun! Heres one Im doing for my first refeed after my next dry fast. 2 cups of steamed veggies and a 4 eggs...
I basically just ate whatever however I didn't check calories or anything and I feel like shit now I had been doing so well previously I now feel like all my efforts have been wasted FML Who else been here Any help?...
I'm always hearing about people saying that to clean bulk you have to track macros and eat a certain amount of protein, carbs, and fats and have a slight 10% slurpus in calories. The thing is, I'm quite new to...
[Link to photo.](https://i.imgur.com/hW4aHf8.jpeg) I was in the grocery store and found three packages of lentils. One had **4.3g**/100g of protein, one had **4.8g**/100g of protein, and the last had **25.8g**/100g of protein. How is it possible for one food item to have...