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Cheat Meals or Snacks

So since August 23rd i haven’t had no cheat meals, snacks or meats. So do you ladies and gentlemen still slide in a sweet for a cheat or completely take out while on fitness journey?

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This could not have been timed better - I was just having this debate. For me, I need to be able to have a cheat meal once a week to stave off a larger binge. It’s what works for me. I understand my weight will temporarily spike when I have this cheat meal, but time has proven that if I simply recommit to my goals - I can always get back to where I want to be weight wise.


If the will is strong then there shouldn’t be a problem getting back on track after the cheat snack/meal. For someone starting out I would wait a few months of being strict before deviating because a lot of people don’t have the discipline and it ends up being disastrous


I find by categorizing things as “good” food, “bad” food, or “cheat” food I’m feeding into my disordered eating habits. Instead I try to always eat an overall balanced diet with some high calorie low micronutrient foods as sometimes foods that don’t require any excuse, but don’t appear as frequently as other foods. Nit only have I lost almost 13kg (~28lbs) in a year, but I haven’t regained any because I never feel deprived and there’s no wagon for me to fall off. I went from just pushing into the obesity BMI in late 2020, to being healthy weight (BMI 24.5). I didn’t have to miss any social functions or holidays.

I’ve tried every fad diet in the book before this. But now that I have a nutrition degree I decided to just experiment with moderation and it’s changed my life for the better. I’m also way happier and less anxious than I’ve ever been on a ‘diet’.


I throw them in. I think from all I’ve read, it’s good for your body as well, because then your not just in starvation mode for too long. Throw your body a little curve ball. Also, it might be good for you to see where you’re at with food. I find that I can eat less now than I could’ve before.


Depends on what you consider a “cheat”.

If I’m craving something specific, like a rice krispie treat, I’ll work it into my macros for the day.

Once a week I have an “untracked meal” where I don’t track what I eat or drink for that meal. It gives my mind a little break and I usually eat a heavier meal, have an alcoholic drink or two, and I also get dessert.

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