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Considering a month long fast. Advice?

Hello Reddit! I have only done a few fasts. Several 1 day fasts. A 2 day fast and a 7 day fast. I haven’t fasted now for about 5 months. I need a reset and I’d love some advice.

So I’m going to do another week long one with the possibility of pushing on to a month or 40 days. Day 1 today. Last time I did the week long fast I felt great and had no problems during the fast. The issue I did have was once I broke the fast after the 7 days I gained belly fat that I had never really had before. I suspect I upped my calories too quickly from zero to over two thousand calories (or more) and my metabolism didn’t have the time to adjust.

I am not fasting for weight loss, although shifting my pudge will be a bonus. I have cronic inflamation, back pain, I have brain fog etc. I am getting my blood checked to see if I am a celiac (I’ll get the results back in a few days. Both of my siblings are diagnosed celiacs) so the fast basically resets my system back to an inflamation free state. I also have started a spiritual awakening over the past few years and I am interested in the effects of fasting on my being. Experiencing non-ordinary states of reality has been a beautiful (and at times frightening) journey towards a deeper understnding and connection with life and existance.

What I would like to know is what to expect if I do push on past 7 days to a full month or 40 days?

Can I exercise - gym classes? Run? Lift weights? Or should I stick to walking, yoga and stretching?

Also, has anyone smoked some cannabis while fasting? If so what was the difference? I tend to get a lot of visuals during non-fasted states so I am interested to see how the fast effects my experience with cannabis. (I smoke about once or twice a month as stretching my back becomes easy and pleasurable while high as opposed to difficult and painful)

Advice on breaking the fast? How should I eat so as to allow my system time to reset back to normal digestive and metabolic function. I don’t want to gain belly fat like I did previously.

Thanks so much!

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Train to your heart’s content. Just listen to your body and be aware of how you’re feeling, and whether or not you’re up to the next activity. Also, do not stand up too fast.



You can exercise, but only keeping it short and sweet. Pound out those 5x5 sets and get the crap outta the gym, or else you enter dangerous territory. Just make sure you activate your muscles often so they don’t wither away.

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