As I currently have such a bad cold that I am curled up in bed with a lemsip wearing my warmest onsie, I am curious what the general consensus is on IF and colds.
I admit, after about five days of feeling rubbish and continuiblng to do IF, today I just wanted to eat a little food/ OK it was chocolate.
So, what do you do when you’re ill? Do you keep fasting or do you crumble into comfort food eating like me?
I’ll get right back to it when I feel better. IF has worked so well and has helped my weight loss and energy levels tremendously. And in the meantime I’ll get back to eating nice, healthy food again and not chocolate.
There’s been some research done surrounding this. Apparently it’s better to fast if you have a bacterial infection over a viral one.
I tend to increase fluids and have broths and juice throughout the day but I never really have the appetite for food when I’m sick