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Daily Fasting Check-in!

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The wife started me on 16/8 fasting 4 months ago, and I’ve just hit the 30lb lost mark.I eat between 12-8pm and have not watched what I eat at all. I don’t go nuts, still around 2500 calories etc, but it’s nice to eat what I like.I’ve been strict and stuck to the 16 hour fast very well, black coffee or water


Today is my first day of 16:8. I started my fast at 20:00 yesterday and will break it at 12:00. I am allowed tea, coffee and water until then. I have done this before and even did 5:2 for a while but I have been neglecting fasting lately. But a colleague talked about doing 16:8 too and I decided to join him.

I hope to get back in touch with actual hunger queues, alleviate boredom eating and lose some weight.

It was going pretty great until now, which is why I looked into this sub for support. I am now hungry and have an hour and a half to go. But I will just keep drinking my tea and continue.


I’m starting today! (About an hour ago)
I’m only going to drink water, tea, coffee til about 7pm today *started my fast at 7am* then eat one meal, so I guess I’m doing OMAD.
I’m wanting to lose a little weight but mostly I want to stop my excessive snacking. I’m starting to crave sweets too much, so I want to fix that. My sleeping has been wonky lately so if this helps with that too I’d be super happy!


Started last week. 7-3 eating period. Gained 1.5 pounds and extremely crabby at night. Im eating the exact calories I should be. I’m gonna stick with it because I feel good otherwise. Kinda frustrated though


18:6 fast. Ends in 2 hours. I’m currently sipping black iced coffee. Patiently waiting to be able to put half & half in it haha.

Today starts my second week fasting. I’ve lost 6.6 lbs so far! Im doing IF and calorie counting. Probably water weight but still exciting!


Type: fast from food only. Water, coffee, tea all ok.

Context: 3 hours and counting, started at 1:30 pm

Length: 48 hours

Why: I binged on carbs this morning and I figured, why not leverage the extra calories and begin a longer fast. On a separate note I’ve wanted to try a 48 hour fast anyway.

Notes: I do NOT want my fasting to become a hacky way to enable the binge eating. But the binging seems to happen whether or not I fast, and the fasting is a good way to mitigate the damage. Lots of other aspects to fasting that I like apart from what happens when I eat. (Yes I have sought help for the binging)

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