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Daily Fasting Check-in!

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16:8 fast with water/plain tea with about an hour to go. started on 19 sep 2022 and have fasted more than 504 hours according to fastic app. on monday i weighed myself before bedtime, barely lost 0.5 kg since i started, but this morning i weighed myself and realized i lost 1.5 kg… i guess i should weigh myself in the mornings then.


Just weighed in at under 220lbs for the first time in over a decade! Thats 70lbs dropped so far I’m feeling super happy about it right now.

I’ve settled on a 19:5 during the weekdays with no fasting (but cico) on the weekends. There are tweaks I’m slowly planning to add to make to go a bit faster, but I’m pretty satisfied with the effort v. results right now.


Day5 of Week26, IF, 18/6

SW: 104kg/229lbs; CW: 88kg/194lbs; GW: 85kg/187lbs

Today 87,1kg down from 87,7kg of yesterday at the 24h mark of the weekly 48h fast.

I have expected a bit more of a drop considering the low carb content of my meals before starting the 48h but it is what it is.

Based on today’s measurement I don’t hold my breath for a below 86kg empty weight, but it is okay either way.

At this point the 48h fast serving more like a weekly reset to my digestion, than a weight loss tool.

Reentry meal will be grilled sausage with eggs and some toasted tortilla, maybe some grilled frankfurters for additional protein intake.

It is Friday dudes, dudettes and duderinos! Let’s get done with this day and enjoy your weekends! :)


SW: 136lb CW: 127lb GW: 115lb Start 26/09 (4 weeks)28f, 5’2”

Had a good start then a couple of weeks with 0 movement on the scale. Switched to 18/6 (largely 20/4 tho) and lost a few lb pretty quickly. I think 16/8 was too close to my previous regular eating schedule to see real differences. So close to 10lb lost now, excited to see more progress! Not really any visual change yet but to be expected.

Really struggling to keep hydrated though. I have always been bad at remembering to drink fluids (I don’t like water, juice or soda so it has to be a conscious effort…) and used to generally survive on 2 lattes in the morning and then getting moisture through food I guess?? Now I drink black coffee and fruit tea but I keep forgetting to drink them and leaving mugs around half-full or full. I will have to find something that works.


Day 5 of Week 1, IF, 18/6

This week has been good so far, other than 1 day I have been hitting my daily calorie intake. I’m much happier at meal times because I can have larger meals.

My only complaint right now, is my husband is cooking bacon this very second. It smells SOOOO good, but I have 2h 7m until my fast is over!


Been doing mostly 20:4 for my family history of Alzheimer’s, but definitely not sad that I’m down 11-13 lbs, depending on the day. Goal is to do one 72 hour per quarter and one 36 hour per month. So far, so good.

At a conference where the social dinners are a big part of the event. Last night Mexican, tonight Italian, tomorrow French. Last night stretched it more to 20:5, spent 90 minutes on the elliptical in the hotel gym this morning (missed two workouts earlier this week due to vacation, and know I won’t make it Saturday or Sunday), and now I’m starving! Because of stretching last night and the conference schedule today/our dinner reservation, probably only going to be able to do 18-19 today.


I just started doing this yesterday, so I don’t really have a set routine or anything yet. However, I decided to try fasting for 24 hours and see how I could handle it, then assess as required.

As of an hour ago, I hit 24 hours. I feel proud. Had nothing but water in that timeframe. Am I correct in saying my body is most likely in autophagy mode now?

Going to have dinner soon. Chicken tortillas with vegetables, to be precise. I’m genuinely excited to eat for the first time in ages. After this, I’ll need to decide what routine to follow.


I am doing an 18:6 fast daily. Today is day 4 of that. I have coupled it with low carb food. I have metabolic syndrome. This includes: type 2 diabetes, fatty liver, polycystic ovarian syndrome, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. I also have degenerative disc disease. Probably the result of chronic inflammation. My goal is to reverse the metabolic syndrome and get off of my diabetes, BP, and cholesterol medications. My next dr appointment is December 21st and my intention is to reach my goals by then. I also hope to bring my weight down from 166 to 150 by that time. My eating window is from noon to 6 pm. I only have water, black coffee, and plain tea during my fasting window. During my eating window I am only eating meat, dairy, eggs, and non starchy vegetables. In the last 4 days I have already managed to get my blood sugar below 200 and my blood pressure 120s/80s.


Week 3: Day 5, IF, 36 hour fast

SW: 67.26kg/148.3lbs; CW: 63.14kg/139.2lbs; GW: 47.6kg/105lbs

I’m well past 36 hours (I’m at 46 hours) and considering just not eating until tomorrow anyway. We had a long day with unexpected issues, so eating got delayed, and I’m not really hungry. I’m just tired.

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