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Daily Fasting Check-in!

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Day5 of Week23, IF, 18/6

SW: 104kg/229lbs; CW: 88kg/194lbs; GW: 85kg/187lbs

Today is 86,7kg down from 87,6kg yesterday at the 24h mark of the 48h fast.

I’m thinking about making some vegetable pottage tomorrow, but not sure yet what I could use for making it. I might risk prepping some dry beans, keeping the amount very low and expect massive water weight gain afterwards.

Either that or a bunch of scrambled eggs with grilled sausages :P

Workout starts to feel like routine again, which means I’m getting back in the groove of things faster than I expected.

Assuming the weekends allows it I’ll try to alter my bench press equipment to allow for some sit-ups too.(my spine hurts if I try to do those on the ground)

It is FRIDAY and we’re on the home stretch! You can outlast this day even standing on one leg! ;)


Water fast, Started at 1900 last night, ending at 1800, 23 hours, for weight loss, energy, and gut health. This is my fourth day in a row following this protocol. My stomach is grumbling, but I don’t feel hungry and my energy is good.


Water fast (with EAAs and electrolytes)

first 24 hours out of 66h

Why? Mainly quick fat loss before starting a 4 weeks bulk. I had been doing OMAD from Monday to Thursday. Friday and Saturday will be complete fasts, Sunday I will break my fast at around lunch time.


So far I’m feeling really well. I’m a bit concerned about headaches and low energy as I had battled with it before.


Checking in super late due to work, I think not setting my intention is harming my progress along with irregular sleep patterns due to working nightshifts every 2 out of every 8 days.

I find my sleep suffers and the next day i am craving shitty high sugar foods. I need to fix that as I am stalled at 70kg

Today will be OMAD of 2000cal at 9pm, worked 7am - 7pm in an intense job and now I’m driving straight from work to the boxing gym.

Let’s goooo!


Checking in super late due to work, I think not setting my intention is harming my progress along with irregular sleep patterns due to working nightshifts every 2 out of every 8 days.

I find my sleep suffers and the next day i am craving shitty high sugar foods. I need to fix that as I am stalled at 70kg

Today will be OMAD of 2000cal at 9pm, worked 7am - 7pm in an intense job and now I’m driving straight from work to the boxing gym.

Let’s goooo!

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