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Daily Fasting Check-in!

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Since Friday I haven’t been able to fast… no idea why… I think I am stressed and I am feeding my emotions with food… so disappointed with myself :( it’s been tough. Otherwise I was succeeding with OMAD and enjoying it.


let’s see… day 29, apparently, of 20:4! i’m officially down 10lbs, unless i spike back up lol.

i’ve stuck to my fasting schedule & under my TDEE, but it’s getting harder and harder to continue, as i’m stressed and upset and having a hard time. ugh. i don’t want to just be a sad sack all over this sub lol

i’m gonna go walk my dog and play some video games when i get home. middle of the week, y’all!


Day4 of Week18, IF, 18/6

SW: 104kg/229lbs; CW: 89kg/196lbs; GW: 85kg/187lbs

Today 89,1kg down from yesterday’s 89,5kg.

Today I had a big breakfast of 4 eggs 2 frankfurters with some lactose free cheese, followed up by the greek yoghurt with coconut.

Entered the 48h fast right after and will have my next meal Saturday morning.

Allergies were really bad yesterday messing with breathing and vision. Breathing issues made the sleep schedule messed up too so I’m not a happy camper. Feeling more like a cranky old fart xD

The good news is:

Thursdays are for turning the corner toward the weekend! Hang on, it is almost Friday!


Scale once again stuck for the last three days on the same number. At least I’m consistent, lol. May do a full fast day today and concentrate on water intake.

Yesterday had a giant salad with chicken in it and a small slice of pizza on the side. I have a frozen pizza and instead of heating the whole thing up I carve off what I want from the frozen portion. Prevents overeating on pizza.

If I eat today again probably will do another salad and some southwestern chicken, I have some mixed greens and spinach. I’ll have to see if I’m hungry later on for lunch.


Hi, new here! Day three of OMAD, my window is 20:4. Long term goal is to lose weight, maintain a healthy relationship with food and cut down on sugar cravings :)

I only have one day off a week currently, and was wondering about “free-eating” during my day off. Does anyone else have a routine similar? Thanks guys, good luck and I’m hoping you all crush your goals 💕


14|8 \2MAD - losing weight | day 7 week 3

I’ve been sticking to IF and also limiting my calorie intake to around 1500 kcal. I get very hungry during fasting sometimes but after a while the hunger passes. I’m also working out with swimming and walking.But the last four days I’ve remained the same weight and that is a bit frustrating. I know/hope it is probably waterweight because the weather is also very hot where I live and maybe it’s also cycle related. But it’s harder to continue if you don’t see any changes.Hopefully I’ll see a drop soon!


Day 6 of Week 7

Hit 30 pounds down this morning, which I think officially makes this the 2nd most weight I’ve ever lost (I lost 40 pounds in high school). Now aiming at the next 10 since that will put me out of the “obese” category of BMI and into just “overweight”. It’s an arbitrary thing to aim for but it’s motivating.

Food today is up in the air at the moment. Might be having dinner with friends, or that might be postponed until tomorrow. Lunch is 2 chicken thighs, sautéed kale and onions, blackberries, and a few sunflower cookies from trader joe’s that a friend has been begging me to try.


I’ve been fluctuating between 16-20 lbs lost over the last couple of weeks. I had successfully lost 20 lbs a couple weeks back, right before work picked up like mad for a bit and I wasn’t able to walk at all (when before I was walking about 2/3 miles a day on my desk treadmill) and was too tired after work to walk.

I follow ADF during the week and on weekends I found myself being way too casual with eating windows.

Between not being able to exercise and then not controlling my eating windows during the weekends, I gained 4ish lbs back and felt so demotivated =\

I’m finally able to start walking again, but I’ve lost my momentum and it makes it hard to look forward to a fast like I did before. Trying to shake the mentality that it’s all about weight, but a part of me feels what’s the point if I go off the rails just a teensy bit and the weight starts to come back immediately.

I still love fasting and will stick to it absolutely, just hitting my first real wall on my journey and trying to push past.


Week 10, Day 4

My thumb is weirdly tired and sore so I’m going to keep this short !

Came home to a proud husband and a birthday cake. I’d just walked off my job and given no notice resignation. We ate, we had dessert, I got cuddled and gifts were given.

Today I’m fasting and doing fine. My goal is to hang tight until Saturday where I will have to see the results of a couple disordered weeks. Can’t ignore!

If it goes up it goes up! Progressions never perfect.

Today is my first day of two weeks staying home for unemployed vacation. Time to bring myself back to center.

Happy Thursday !


Day 2 of OMAD.

I’ve been eating at 11am, but might try to push it back a bit as I seem to get hungry before bed and it’s been hard to sleep. Trying to drink more water to help the pangs. Been way more productive though, not having to figure out what to eat.


Started August 12 with 20:4, which I’ve hit 8 out of 14 days, with the other days closer to 18:6, due to social and travel reasons. Water and coffee outside of the window. So far I’ve lost about 6 pounds (42F SW: 225, CW: 219, GW: 180).

I feel pretty good. I know I could tighten up my discipline around my hours, but this is working for me and keeps me from going nuts. I’ve discovered that my best eating window is from 1-5pm. I can handle the morning hunger pretty easily knowing lunch is a few hours away, and then I’m not too hungry to go to sleep.

Hope everyone is having a great day!


Is it ok to take the Collagen Protein with the morning coffee during fasting? I have noticed for the last couple of weeks I have not been able to do the full 16 hours. The max I can go is 12-14 hours. I am hoping this will sustain me to go the full 16?

I have been getting distracted at work cause I am hungry, but before I was able to push through no problem.


Ended up taking two cheats days instead of one because the event I was supposed to go to for supper was canceled and between the extra late supper and my disappointment I didn’t have the motivation to fast. I started again last night and went for an hour and a half longer than normal just because I didn’t feel hungry.

Took 10 days off from calorie counting and weighing myself and finally stepped on the scale today. I’ve lost a little over 2lbs this month and plan to push for that last pound by the end of August.


Day 23, IF 17:7

SW: 58.5 kg / 129 lbs, CW: 56.8 kg / 125 lbs, GW: 48.5 kg / 107 lbs

The good

My results! I weighed myself today (I do it on a weekly basis) and it is so good to see the slow but steady progress. My first mini-goal is to reach 56 kg and I expect it to happen a week after the 1-month-mark.

It feels great to have control and work intentionally towards something. My cravings are so much milder. I have good memories from the time I was in that weight.

The bad & the ugly

Today was very difficult due to some calore deficit during the last days - I unintentionally switched to 2MAD but with smaller meals. I had a light dinner yesterday and I was very hungry when I entered the eating window and ate breakfast.

I had a lot of meetings during the day. By the end of the last one (\~4 hours after my first meal), I felt my glucose level falling, and I started to sweat intensely, heat waves kept going through my body and it was difficult to move. I felt dizzy and lacking of energy.

I ate a big lunch then and started my fast but something didn’t feel right. Hours later, I still felt weary and tired, restless. It was difficult to walk and ride my bike.

So I broke my fast in the evening with vitamins and Spirulina pills for protein before my last exercise. It got better and no regrets - I promised myself that I will care about my body, fasting is a kind of self-care, and now I needed to interrupt with some help.

The moral


SW: 125lbs, CW: 120lbs, GW: 115(?)

I’m on week 4 of IF and so far super happy with the results. Definitely has curbed my snacking and sugar consumption, since I tend to start looking for a sugar fix at night when I’m tired. I’ve actually just been going to sleep when I get snacky, and TBH…I think rest is often what I actually need.

Weight has been pretty stable around 120. I can’t help weighing myself every day, and it’s been fluctuating between 118 and 121, which feels sustainable (I’m 5’4”)…like I’m not hungry, but I’m not eating just out of boredom or tiredness.


Day 4 of Week 1

SW: 173 lbs CW: 170.3lbs GW: 135 lbs

Doing OMAD, eating around 3pm everyday and has been the same meal so far. What ive lost so far is most likely just water weight but I’ll take it.


Type of fast: 18:6 partial fast
Context of fast: 6pm -12pm
Length of fast: 18 hours
Why: alcoholic but i’m sober now for 3weeks
Notes: i’ve been in a partial fast for 14 days now and i already lost 3.6kg is it normal or i’m starving myself? im eating just pita and some meat but most of the times im eating salad with lots of leafy vegetables in it and also im taking probiotics after my morning tea (lipton green tea and a ginger tea after that) somebody told me that i should also take b vitamins so i did the problem is I think that Kirkland Super B complex is too much for my body to handle cause i felt like something is pinching my belly after i’ve tried it for 2days, does anybody here tried Kirkland super b can you tell me how does it react to your body while in intermittent fasting

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