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Daily Fasting Check-in!

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Day 7 of 16:8, with one 18:6 and one 24hr fast as I am testing the waters of what I can comfortably maintain longterm. 16:8 is such a comfortable spot, and 18:6 is only just slightly more difficult but manageable so long as I’m always sipping warm water/tea. I’m not sure I’m ready for 24hrs on a consistent basis but it helped in switching things up a bit. I’m trying to do this as cleanly as possible for IR reasons, eating at a very small caloric deficit but making sure to hit my macros (that one’s harder. I feel so full so fast), and it’s so far going great! 6.5lbs dropped with what felt like zero effort.


Adf day 19 (eating day) on Thursday I was full really early after only 1100 calories I still ended up having my last meal which put me at 1500 calories. Usually I aim for 2k so that was quite the difference and I did feel pretty hungry yesterday especially in the evening.

I’m interested to see how today will go and if I’ll feel full with fewer calories again or not (haven’t broken my fast yet). The interesting thing is that I pretty much eat the same every day the only difference was that on Thursday I broke my fast with a protein bar and a (very sweet) coffee. I’m not a coffee drinker at all so maybe that’s why idk lmao


I just got 52nd flame on Fastic so I guess I’m on day 53. Broke my 16:8 fast just now with some almonds. This week’s weight is trending down which is relieving to see, but what’s curious is that my resting heart rate is also finally going back down? I feel like the two have something to do with each other, but I’m not sure what it’d be. Perhaps my body was fighting a little bug or something, idk. These daily check ins keep me accountable and also reading the comments motivate and inspire me.


I’m on day four of intermittent fasting. Type of fast: water only and one Keto coffee I’ve been switching around how long I fast based on the day. I’ve done 12:12, 13:11, 15:9, and 16:8. My schedule is too hectic to stay on the same fasting schedule. I eat lunch and dinner most days. My goal is to lose 20-40lbs. So far im down two lbs on my first week without exercise.

I’ve adjusted my diet to stop drinking alcohol and I’m avoiding sugar as much as I can. And I’ve been drinking 70 ounces of water and even more each day. I’ve really put a focus on getting more fats and proteins in my diet and it’s felt really great.

What do you guys think when people call intermittent fasting disordered eating? Or that it causes eating disorders? So far I feel like I’m developing a healthier relationship with food. And noticing what fills me up vs when I’m eating to just eat.

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