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Daily Fasting Check-in!

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Water and diet soda (it’s hard to give it up, it’s my only crutch) 16 and 8 and 20 and 4, depends on how I feelI try hard to make it everyday but I have fallen off the wagon from time to time but I just jump back on.

Insights:: when you’re hungry, its just a few different hormones mainly ghrelin. It’s empowering to know that you are in control, not your body.


Type: Water, black coffee, and the reason I’m posting, iced peppermint tea

Starting over, Day 1 (Dont quit quitting…!!)

Length: Indeterminate OMAD

Why: my family is ridiculously dependent on me. I must live. And my back is sore.

Notes: I’m inherently lazy. The first time I tripped over IF, I dropped 30 lbs nearly effortlessly, over about a three month period. Then I got casual, and found all the lost weight. Well, take two begins today.

I had to post, just to share a new-to-me idea that’s awesomely compatible with IF - brewed peppermint tea, cooled and poured over ice. Fasting friendly, and delicious!!

I’d say, “Wish me luck!” but who needs luck, when you’ve made a decision…?


Day3 of Week21, IF, 18/6

SW: 104kg/229lbs; CW: 89kg/196lbs; GW: 85kg/187lbs

Today 88,2kg maintained from yesterday which is good for a 18/6.

On the current rolling 24h fast with the slack on the end. It should mean a light dinner and a protein rich breakfast tomorrow before heading into the 48h fast.

Pollen situation remains weird. Supposedly the concentration is ranking lower “only” in the high category instead of extreme.Regardless it still is messing with my sleep and breathing worse than before. Had maybe 4 hours of sleep which is decidedly not good for my eye.

Thanks to the folk at r/volumeating I’m having a massive craving for baked small potatoes with tomatoes and rosmary.

So I might end up inserting something like that into the remaining meal-schedule. If that happens I’ll be applying generous amount of olive oil to make a small serving feel more filling.

It is finally midweek! We’ve made it to the middle of the work week and heading out of it from this point forward!;)


Type: Water and coffee

Context: Started augustus 30th, trying to see how this works.

Length: 16:8

Why: Weight loss

Notes: got myself smaller sizes pants, 34 inch waist instead of 36 (36 were a bit wide but couldn’t find 35 inch at the time, but I think I can safely say I lost an inch)

Another accidental 17:7 today, just haven’t felt the need to eat really, caught up watching series xD probably going back to 16:8 when work starts again next week, because lunch at the office is at 12


Day One - GW to lose 10 lbs

Type: Water and black coffee

Context: Start of day

Length: 16:8

Why: Weight loss after a year of being postpartum and breastfeeding has made me yo-yo higher up than I’d like to be

Notes: Day 1 of taking this seriously and trying to be accountable. I’m still BFing but less and less and my hunger has remained the same, leading me to pack on pounds. Trying to really curb the late night binging, which also is just procrastinating/my “me time”, so I need to find a habit to replace that


Wk2day2 IF 15:9

Sw 230 Cw 227.9 Gw 120-135 (based on muscle mass)

Really excited that I’m feeling less hungry and craving healthier options! I’ve been trying to be intentional about the quality of food I’m eating since I have a smaller window than I’m used to.



Late check in

I started a new job today, a physical job from 7am - 7pm which is nice to burn some extra calories.

Today i plan to OMAD around 9pm, I have a plan to simply fast all day and only eat after my shift at night. It’s been easy today due to being busy in the job, I simply drink water or black coffee when i get a chance.

When i finish at 7pm I will go boxing for 1 hour (hoping I can catch the sparring class) and then home for dinner.

Let’s goooooo!


rolling 71:1s (water,black coffee and unsweetened ice tea)

Trying to hit 190

started Sep 2 at 270 down to 255 (8500 kcal average 71 burn)

5 moving miles daily and heavy bag/shadow boxing on eating day.



Day 31 of 16:8 intermittent fasting (skipping breakfast)!

So when I started I was 78kg. Not a bad weight for my height (180cm) at all, but I was concerned about not being able to comfortably wear my jeans again for winter, so I wanted to get my weight back to 70kg.

My weight now is 73kg.

It’s been going pretty well. I had a break week of sorts when my period cravings kicked in, but I’m fine with that. Otherwise intermittent fasting has been great at shining a light on how much sugar I consume daily. I’ve also gotten myself down from needing like 4 coffees to get me through to lunch time during a fast, to 2 coffees. Something else to note is that alcohol kicks in faster than before for me nowadays, so I’m usually good after a single drink.

I’m finding it quite empowering to finally have control over my snacking habit. Instead of having chocolate everyday, I’ve decreased my intake and replaced the need to snack with better alternatives, like salted pistachios for protein or protein bars to satisfy a sweet craving during my eating periods. Because I’m limiting myself to 1,500 calories a day as well (whilst I reach my goal weight), it means I’m being more selective about what I have for meals. Instead of cooking something just because I’m hungry, I get more enjoyment out of something that feels more high value and delicious, like butternut quesadillas!

I can see myself keeping this up after I reach my goal weight, because I really don’t need breakfast, and I’m learning that it’s okay for my stomach to feel empty for a little while.

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