It’s not exactly soup, but Huel has all the stuff you’re looking for and it’s yummy. (That link also has the list you’re looking for, I think)
Edit: I can’t figure out why I get downvotes every time I mention Huel. Is there an actual explanation for it?
I don’t know if it’ll check all the boxes but I’ve heard people giving good reviews to Athletic Greens. Never tried it myself but if you’d like to look into it here’s a link: https://athleticgreens.com/en?gclid=CjwKCAiAl-6PBhBCEiwAc2GOVBziNCEC9q6RUgsWSI8gd2eOIQ2ZavJZoKuWtslmWUi40IdGskHjthoCcaEQAvD_BwE#offers