| | Water Fasting


I’ve been seeing a PT twice a week for almost 4 weeks now, as well as starting IF 16:8 2 weeks ago. I’ve been really good with it besides the last weekend where I was travelling to see family. I’ve been calorie counting too.

Today was my weigh in, and I was already a bit nervous as my weight seems to constantly yoyo between 145 to 148, but I’ve lost a cm off my hips, the waist measurement was inconclusive as it went up but she thinks it is my clothing or something.

I’ve been trying so hard and her comment was literally ‘Ehh could be better’. For the rest of my session I just felt completely demotivated, like everyone in the gym was judging me. I know they weren’t but I am so in my head right now.

I’m going to be miserable this evening, eat some healthy homemade ramen, maybe some Halo top ice cream, play some Zelda and start again tomorrow. But right now I’m pretty upset.

Looking at positives though, I find I’m not craving junk food any more and actually feel a lot more motivated to eat healthier which is fantastic.

Hope everyone is having a good week and if you read this far, thanks for listening to my little sulk!

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Anytime someone makes a comment about our body, especially when it’s not a compliment, it hurts. I’m sorry that you dealt with that.

Remember that you’re not doing this for her approval and that progress takes time! Take one step, one change, and one day at a time and you’ll smash this and you’ll have done it just for you!

You’ve got this!

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Categories: yoyo evening