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Do you think eating once a day is a good way to lose fat?

Is fasting as good as people say it is?

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Eating once a day is not going to automatically result in fat loss. Fat loss is moreso determined by the total number of calories that you’re consuming, protein intake, and type/volume/intensity of exercise that you’re doing.


Don’t treat my info as valid source of knowledge because I do not have degree in this subject, I can be wrong like other. I will just write what I’ve readed when I was interested in this subject a little.

No, if you want to lose fat you just need to be on a calories deficit, it’s just that simple. Deficit should be around 200- 300 calories per day. How you achieve this is less important. You can start moving on the gym or just stay on the couch. I don’t want to get in details, because it’s quite complex what and when you should eat in certain way.

There are some sportsman diets that have only one meal a day but every mayor change in diet should be under supervision of dietitian, I don’t encourage you to do this on your own, because with only diet, you can harm yourself.


Intermittent fasting worked for me. I did it for months and lost 100 pounds. I ate between 11:00am and 3:00pm and a small bowel of frozen fruit around 6pm. Pretty much one meal. If you eat healthy food (mostly plants) and eat to complete satisfaction, you’ll still lose weight.


It’s good to get ok with hunger but I would be concerned with getting enough nutrition in a single meal, it can be difficult enough with 3. I honestly prefer not eating breakfast but I eat less overall and have more energy if I do so I force myself to do so.

A less extreme option is to eat three 500 calorie meals. Focus on protein and fiber as that helps you feel full.


if it works for you, then it is. But nothing magical about that, and IF in general. But also, can you maintain that? If not likely in the long term, then you might find yourself right back to where you were before. The diet that works is one you can continue that also works.


No, there’s a doc who explained that doing that, will slow your metabolysm cause your brain hates the idea of losing weight. The ideal way is to eat once or twice, to leave room of 14-16+ hours of nothing but water, or anything that doesn’t trigger a glicemic response and then eat less starchy foods.

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