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fasting like a girl

Has anyone read/listened to this book? I came across the dr who wrote it on YouTube, and found some new knowledge that women need to fast differently because of their cycle. I’m a long time faster, but I havent heard this before. A quick search, shows that a few other notable bio hackers and drs have said the same. This made a lot more sense to me just thinking about different hormones and requirements to actually have a cycle. I am also a big fan of eating more and not fasting occasionally, since we are more or less designed to live through a famine and feast cycle.

I’m curious if anyone has switched up their fasting based in their cycles? Or if you have a copy of the book. 😅

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I listen to my body. I eat when my body tells me to during period. I have an established 16:8 ratio for fasting. I concentrate on fruits, protein, nuts and veggies when I eat early on period days.

Seems to work fine for me. I am in a maintenance state though. 5’4 and 140lbs. No need to lose or gain weight.

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