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Feeling a bit discouraged

Hi there, Im IF-ing for 6 months now and my results have been amazing (lost 66 lbs). For the past month and a half my scale did not move much. I know exactly what should I do (lower my calorie intake to create deficit, increase fasting time and workout more) but I can’t find the power to do it. What made you step up the game again when your weight loss slowed down? Where did you find the will? Thank you all!

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Have you read Eat, Fast, Repeat? Sounds like you could benefit from changing up the fasting routine? I’m in the same boat and found myself in a bit of a weightloss stall. I have been wondering if I should try an extended fast 48-72hr followed by a high feeding day to keep my body on it’s toes. I just finished a 43hr fast and then ate. I only lost 2lbs but have kept it off so far! Only been two days though LOL! Bodies get used to routines pretty easily so try changing up the schedule.


For me it’s stubborness of wanting to keep the momentum going, I track my weight every day and I don’t like seeing that weekly average slowing down. Maybe find a way to visualize your momentum?

Extending the lenght of your fast is an easy win, I started with 18:6, then OMAD, now OMAD with some 24h/72h herre and there.

For exercise I suggest finding an activity that’s fun first instead of just going to the gym. For me hiking and Beat Saber are my go to.


You list off things to do like lowering calories, adding workouts, and increasing faster time as though a slowdown after a very quick 66lb weight loss is the problem. Also, “hasn’t moved much” is pretty vague. Are you stalled at the same weight, or did you go from a 15lb drop in month 1 to a 5lb drop in month 6?

Unless your diet is now putting you in a surplus for your current caloric needs, the real problem right now is mental. You say your scale hasn’t moved much, but what about how your clothes fit? Have your measurements continued to change? If you’re seeing evidence of a healthier body everywhere but the scale, it might be in your best interest to chill and let your body settle in for a minute and do some recomposition.

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