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Feeling discouraged

I’m feeling really discouraged. I’ve been fasting for 24 hours every other day. On days that I don’t fast I’m mindful of what I eat as far as making better choices and portion control but I haven’t really changed what I eat too much. This is my 3rd week of doing this. I have gone from my starting weight of 273 to 265 last week. This week I am sitting between 267.9 and 269.1. I am for sure consuming less calories than I was before I started. I go for walks when I can (at least twice a week). I’m just feeling like it’s not working or I am not doing it right.

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What do you usually eat on the days you aren’t fasting? Also you need to be aware that weight fluctuates, so it might seem that you aren’t losing but you are. So long as there’s a downtrend you are fine, and those numbers are good for 3 weeks. Don’t weigh yourself every day, choose one day of the week and only weigh yourself every week that day.

Also consider throwing in some more vigorous exercise, or if you feel up to it, fasted exercise.


Bodies can fluctuate weight throughout the day, it can be normal. Also your water intake could also affect that number. You’ve lost 8lbs in 3 weeks which is a great steady pace! Keep up the good work!!!


Are you “for sure” eating fewer calories than you burn, or are “you sure”? Because there is a difference between them.

If it’s not your calories, it could be medical. Have you been to a doctor to get your bloodwork done to rule out any hormone issues?

And besides diet and medical issues, make sure you’re getting good sleep and work on any major stress issues you have.

But it’s usually your diet that’s not quite aligned with your goals.


My guess is your probably eating more calories than you think. Usually the problem is a little extra when we are doing healthy change. It is called the halo effect and is really common. Done it myself a lot in the past. For reference i weigh 192 at 6 foot 2. I was 245 lbs but have maintained my current weight for years. My goal now is get down to 180. My big struggle has always been snacking while food prepping—seems small but it all adds up. Good luck


Definitely don’t get discouraged! You’ve started down a path to a goal that you wanted, to lose weight and to feel better/healthier.

Drink more water, maybe up the walking to daily. Make sure you don’t have hidden calories, like creamer/sugar in coffee or limit sauces like ketchup or bbq sauce. I know they’re small portions but the sugar in them adds up.


Are you a woman? I’ve read several studies that show that it takes a long time to catch up to you in the beginning. Men tend to lose weight then level put. Women tend to stubbornly hold on to weight then after weeks and months it may Starr to drift down. Just a thought.


Are you clean fasting? Just plain water, black coffee, and plain tea without any sweeteners or flavors?

You should look for an overall downward trajectory using a monthly average. Expect 1 - 2 pounds a week for a healthy decline.

This is all normal.


Did you take your measurements at the beginning? If not, try to do so as soon as you can. Often, you will have changes to your body composition even if your weight is the same. Also, as someone said, weight loss is not linear. I often go for several weeks with no loss and then I will have several pounds fall off in a short period of time. Please don’t be discouraged, this is a lifestyle change, not a diet!

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Categories: courage calories tea sleep stress struggle snack lose weight sugar coffee studies clean fast weight loss