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Feeling stuffed after breaking fast and not taking in enough calories

Does anyone else feel stuffed with not enough calories after breaking their fast? I measure and weigh everything, so I’m not underestimating my caloric intake. Did any of you ever go through a period where you physically could not eat enough calories? The past few weeks I’ve averaged 800 calories which is too low for anyone! For reference, I’m 42F, 5’7, 150lbs, trying to come back to 127.

I was just curious if anyone else experienced this. TIA for any insight!

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Just put butter on everything and throw a big spoon of peanut butter in there! You’ll get to 1200 real nice! Have a beverage and add 1-2 Oz of cream to make it tasty. A little fat goes a long way calorically.


I have had this happen and I notice that I go through spurts. There are some weeks/days that it seems like I can’t get enough to eat and some days that a meal of 600-700 calories is more than enough.

I am conscious of this as well, but I figure that it ends up evening out in the end?

I also do OMAD combined with 20:4 and I am kind of just rolling with it. I don’t like that stuffed feeling, so I just eat 1-2 meals until I am full and let it be. Eventually my plan is to open up to 18:6-16:8 and I figure my appetite will course correct.


Does it help to think of weekly totals? I do two OMAD days and usually undereat on those days, but over the course of the week coming out ok. I worry about my metabolism, don’t want to mess it up. Maybe try alternate day eating? One day 2500 next day skip eating? So you land around the 1300 per day but have good stretches of fasting too?

In terms of calorie dense, small foods - nuts, avocado, Triscuit crackers, olives, those all pack a lot of energy and not so much sugar.

ETA: watch out for feelings of shame or anxiety around eating, or feeling hyper-virtuous about fasting. You want to feel good about eating when you are eating and comfortable about not eating when fasting.

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