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First day of IF - tips, tricks, words of wisdom or encouragement?

Hello! 25F, 4’10”, 150lbs. My mom did IF with no other lifestyle changes aside from sometimes making healthier food choices a couple of years ago, and she lost quite a bit of weight. So I have decided to follow in her footsteps and give it a try myself, but with workouts incorporated! I plan on doing a 16:8 fast with weight training 2-3 days a week to start. What are you favorite apps to use for fitness/weight tracking?Do you have any “learn from my mistake” shreds of wisdom? Excited about this community and hoping it will help me stay accountable!

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My #1 advice is be consistent. This is not a “diet”…it’s a brand new lifestyle. If you’re consistent, you will see results.

As far as practical advice goes: I’ve found that if I’m hungry outside my feeding window, a diet soda really helps nip it in the bud as the carbonation makes me feel full. Additionally, although you can eat whatever you want I would advise you to at least keep an eye on what you’re eating. If you eat 3,000 calories in your feeding window then it doesn’t matter how much fasting you do…you won’t lose any weight.

Personally, I stick to high protein, low-ish carb foods like fish and grilled chicken sandwiches. But I do make room for a scoop of ice cream nearly every day.

Best of luck!


Stick with it even if you do it for a couple of weeks and see no movement. It can be a bit demoralising if you throw yourself into it and don’t see immediate results. Just be consistent, have patience, and if you see no scale movement in about a month then consider 18:6, or checking your calorie consumption. People come on the sub saying they tried it and it didn’t work, but it had only been a fortnight. Its a long term change that needs a long term view. Only make the changes you’re prepared to live with, and you shouldn’t have too much trouble maintaining the habit :)

(Also I use an app to alert me when my window starts/ends and track my goals. I use fastic but others like zero or other alternatives)


I use the Window app to track my fasting and eating windows. Takes all of the thinking out of it and is a good daily reminder to stay on track.

I also got a Vont scale and weigh myself regularly. Everything is tracked on the app. I find the weight very accurate but the other metrics a bit off. It will still give you a good guide for body fat % and such.

And most importantly, as stated above: stick with it!

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