| | Water Fasting

Gaining Weight

Hi all!

So I first began my IF journey in Nov 2021 - it was going great and by mid December I had lost 10lbs. Then, come the holidays I kind of fell off the wagon and ended up gaining it back by mid January.

Now, I’ve restarted my journey, with a few tweaks - I’m eating healthier, less sugar and started doing some light 30 min daily workouts (either inclined walking, light treadmill jog, or beginner HIIT). However, for some reason, I’ve somehow gained 4lbs in the two weeks since I’ve started this journey? It’s been quite discouraging, and was wondering if anyone has any answers to this or advice?


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Muscles will hold onto water to repair themselves, so if you just started working out and the number has gone up or hasn’t budged, that may be why. Start tracking measurements along with your weight and you may see that even if the weight stays the same, your measurements will go down. The scale is not a perfect gauge of progress. Just keep going and keep tracking!


Micro tears from working out are holding water. Don’t worry…that’s 100% normal. Keep doing it, you will retain water, but when you start dropping you will get great gains. If you stop working out for a while, that water games away and you drop fast water weight. Of course you will gain it back as soon as you work out again


I also am not seeing desired results as I do this. I’ve started weightlifting, so the optimistic side of me is saying what I see on the scale is the result of muscle mass, but honestly I have no idea why my weight isn’t going down, and it’s making me anxious. Curious to see what other folks on here have to say

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