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Gaining weight while fasting (second time)

Long story short, I started doing intermittent fasting in 2021. From Sunday to Friday evening, I ate once a day, from Friday evening to Sunday I ate anything. I lost 16KG in 5 months, I was doing great, then summer came in, I quit smoking a started gaining weight back. Few months ago I started doing IF again, same schedule, same meals, same cheat days and all I do is gain weight. I gained 1 kg since last Friday, and I had only one day of cheating. I don’t know what to do now. I can go hardcore mode and fast for 3 days per week, but something tells me that my metabolism is wrecked after the first fast and no matter what I do, I will gain weight back. Doing IF without cheat days is pretty much impossible for me, and the first time I had great success. My BMI now is ±27.

I definitely do something wrong, maybe it’s my metabolism and I need to try eating diet food 5 times per day instead of fasting to get my metabolism back on track. I have no idea. Any help appreciated.


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Are you on a calorie deficit between Sunday and Friday? Im asking because it doesn’t matter weather you have one meal or 5, what matters is the amount you’re eating.

Now, if you tell me that you’re eating in a deficit, have you changed those numbers since loosing the 16KG? Because technically those numbers should go down based on your new weight.

If youve tried that too then my advise is: change up the routine. I don’t think it’s your metabolism. Whatever meal you’re having during the week, change it up. If your meals are more carb intensive then limit some for a day or two. If you’re having just salads, add some carbs. Do something different in terms of carb/fat/protein distribution to see how that effects your weight.


Another thing that may be happening is if you weigh yourself soon after your cheat day. Say cheat day on Friday, and you weigh yourself Saturday mornings, it may be as simple as not allowing enough time for your body to work through your cheat? Just throwing out some possible things


I suppose weight gain could be linked to how much you consumed during your one meal. Too many calories will increase your weight no matter how many meals you consume them in. Also, what were you drinking? Sugary drinks and alcohol could also be a contributing factor.

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Categories: intermittent fasting evening diet food tea deficit carbs morning weight gain calories sugar alcohol