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Has anybody actually experienced significant and maintainable weight loss just doing IF?

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I lost a lot of weight, and FAST. And then my old lifestyle crept up. So then I gained that weight that I lost back, and FAST.

The thing is, whatever you do to lose weight, just make sure it makes sense long term. Cuz you can lose weight, but if you’re just gonna gain it back and more, what’s the point?

Side note: I am a HUGE supporter of IF, OMAD, longer fasts. I saw the amazing effects right before my eyes. BUT, I work nights and have a life that isn’t necessarily conducive to fasting right now, and boy let me tell you how much I am contemplating going back. I need to make a change. The eating healthy thing doesn’t work for me. Fasting changed my life (for the way way way better).


I do IF everyday and lost 60lbs which I have kept off for 4 years. I will always do IF because I’m looking for the long term effects of autophagy and other great benefits. IF isn’t a diet with an end, it’s a lifestyle.


Yes I lost 60 lbs. I kept to the life style changes. Better food choices not over eating, no eating late night. I didn’t exercise and am a smoker but have kept at 190 for 6 months now. One of tvs main things is not longer stressed or upset when I eat cause I have the confidence in my self I can do it again in case I let it get away from me. Everyone’s journey is different but the main thing is to believe in your self and keep your eye on the goal don’t get to caught up on the day to day.


I’ve lost about 100lb with IF and other various methods, but many IF focused. Lien stated above, you have to find the keys to IF (or any other method) that can be brought into you life forever. Maybe that’s skipping breakfast or dinner, or counting your calories to stay under a threshold, or just eating primarily protein, anyways you take it, it’s has to be manageable forever.

You’re likely a “bad dog”, like me, who needs a pen/chain to keep them “inline”.

Find something you think will be long term, and they them all, keto, vegan, IF, Cico, the key is long term. I’d like to St. 50% change forever, not 100% for a month. Goodluck! Feel free to ask any questions.


I have followed IF since May and have lost 32lb. I don’t think I could’ve lost this weight any other way. Actually, I know for a a fact because I didn’t lose it until I began consistently following IF. I am glad you posted. It’s a reminder to me that if I don’t stick to this I will gain weight. You can do this and I encourage you to find your way to it again. I hate saying “back” to doing something since it’s in the past. Thanks for sharing.


38/M when from 190 to 163(GW is 160). This has to become a lifestyle for it to work. You have to be strict when you start as far as IF window AND diet then when you get to your goal weight you can cheat a little. Also, after a cheat day you can stretch your fast a little longer to compensate.


Started IF June 21st. Down 30 lbs as of today. Looking to lose another 25-30. I’ll see where to stop and maintain when I get there.

My weight slowly increased over the last 30 years so if I kept on I would be 260-270 in 10 years.

Realistically I am expecting to have some increases and decreases after reaching goal weight.
However having done the IF loss successfully gives me confidence it can be managed over time.

That is my answer to OP’s question.


78 lbs lost. I’d still like to lose 10-15 more but these are hard to budge right now without me going back to OMAD. I run 5 days a week and get about 15-18k steps in a day so it’s hard for me to just do OMAD when I’m burning a lot of calories.

I’ve realized this is my life now in a sense. Maintenance looks very similar to what I am already doing. I need to continue to exercise almost daily, keep strong, and eat within a window for the most part. There is no going back to a time where eating around the clock was okay and watching tv for hours on end was acceptable. i always tell people it’s a lifestyle, not a diet.


I am 62m, pre-diabetic, high blood pressure. I’ve lost 61 pounds (248 to 187) in just over 5 months with keto OMAD. My blood pressure is now normalizing, and my A1C is so low I think my doctor will be taking me off the medication.

I know that if I ever give up OMAD, I will fall into my old habits. If that happens, I won’t be around this old world much longer. I’m nearing retirement age - I want to enjoy it for a few years. SO I don’t foresee a time when I can ever give up OMAD.


I lost 30 lbs and have kept it off for a few years. Cliche, but IF really did change my relationship with food. I think that’s why I’ve been able to keep it off. That plus way less stress now than before.


What is “significant” to you?

I’m on week 24 and lost 18kg/40lbs this far. Admittedly I’m having some difficulty as I’m trying to hit my final goal weight because the closer you are to the ideal weight the more difficult it gets, but i’d say IF is totally sustainable

It’ll be another hurdle to figure out what my weekly eating schedule should look like when I transition to maintenance mode, but every day this journey, I’m lighter than I have ever been in the last 20 years.

The most significant change is in mentality though.

The way how I view food, the quality of food, and how I start to know the difference between actual hunger and the craving to eat out of habit. It makes me feel like I’m more in control of myself.

We can consider this to be a Non Scale Victory.


I lost 45lbs last year then slipped back into bad / lazy habits. I haven’t fasted or worked out regularly in a year but I haven’t gained any of it back either. I mean maybe 4lbs but my body seems to like this newer, lighter weight. I’m getting serious with it again after an upcoming vacation (Oct 31 or Nov 1) and my hope is to lose and maintain a similar amount of weight.


I took a few months off of my more aggressive IF routine at the beginning of the year due to stress and other circumstances.

I managed to stay at the same weight pretty effortlessly by just doing occasional OMAD dinner days when I wasn’t hungry during the day.

Once I hit my goal weight (I’m currently 60lbs toward my 120lb goal) I plan on doing a mixed IF approach with varying 16:8, OMAD, and extended fasts depending on my goals, and level of hunger & activity on a day-to-day basis.


I lost 35 lbs over 8 months via 16/8 before plateauing. I joined a gym where I was told that CICO was all that mattered, stupidly began eating 3 calorie reduced meals (consuming fewer calories than when I was on IF) in addition to exercising 4 to 5 days a week. I gained 40 lbs before going back on IF, had two months of no weight gain or loss on 16/8 before transitioning to 20/4, increasing my calorie intake, and losing 10 lbs in 2 weeks. Currently still on 20/4 and regularly losing about 3 lbs a week.

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