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How do you combat snacking?

I’m a huge fan of snacking. It’s a problem. I try to do a 16:8 method but I usually only make it like 13-14 hours before I want something. I have water with me to drink when I get an urge but I’m not sure how much that is helping.

Do you guys have any good methods in combating the urge to snack?

Also, sugar… damn sugar. It’s addicting and I hate that. Fortunately I went yesterday with not much sugar but good lord those urges are tough as well. Any tips for that?

Just looking for a little encouragement and motivation. This self discipline is tough this time around. I used to be pretty disciplined which is odd.

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I respond well to very clear guidelines. No eating between this time and that time means NO EATING. I like that I don’t have to choose. The choice is made for me by the clock. So I say okay, I’ll wait. And I do… But I don’t know if that’s much help. I drink a lot of warm, slightly salted water… sounds gross, I know, but it works to fill me up.


Remind yourself “I can have that snack in 3 hours when my eating window opens, if I still want it. I just have to wait a little longer.”

And check in with how you’re feeling emotionally when you want to snack — do you snack out of stress or boredom? If so, pay attention to those feelings and think of other things you can do to soothe them. Can you stretch, take a walk, do some deep breathing, take a short break from work?


Whenever I crave for a snack, I usually wait for my eating window and include that snack with my meal. Normally, I’d feel full with my meal that I only eat a small amount of that snack. But it helps satiate the cravings.

I’ve learned that if you deny yourself of something, you’ll crave it more. Snacks, even the sugary ones, are just regular food. Any food eaten in moderation is OK.


Heya, I don’t know if I can help but as someone said: fasting time is fasting time, I follow through and wait until it’s time and then, by then I am legit hungry, not craving, physically hungry then I eat a good amount of food and that lasts me anywhere from 3 to 4 hours.


Its super super hard! When you have done 14 days without, it will help….

Try do a 24 hour fast 4 times the next 14 days.. that helps me sometimes to “reset” when its hard to control something.

Or, remove all snacks from your home.


I’ve found that drinking a full glass of water tends to help. I’ll also take my psyllium fiber supplements and a full glass of water about 1-2 hours before my fast ends which helps with the final stretch and seems to prevent me from eating so much when I end my fast.


Snacking? I have no reason to. I eat healthy meals or a single meal, it varies. No cravings, no compulsion, no desire or interest in snacks between meals. I gave up all foods that triggered hunger I couldn’t control. Got sick of running to the C store for whatever fix to get healed.


Use an app and let it control you. If it says you’re fasting then don’t eat. If anyone gives you a snack at work and it’s within your fasting hours, then put it in your snack box for later. When it’s time to eat, have your “break fast” meal first then if you’re still hungry have some snacks but if not, return the snacks.


If you include the fasting time while your asleep it only gives you a few hours to wait for the feeding window, so for me i do 18:6 i eat from 12-6pm and go to bed early and make sure to drink water in the morning to stop feeling too hungry, staying hydrated definitely helps


In your eating period, when you do eat, have a piece of chocolate. It feels good. Try smaller fast times and include sleep in your fast time. Start with 13 hours or even 14(if possible) but stick to it. Do that for a couple of weeks before graduating to higher periods of fasting. Mostly our body needs to get used to not eating. So start small, stay there for 2 weeks. Increase little by little.

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