Just looking for new ideas and snacks. Thanks for sharing!
The last thing I eat most days is some combination of casein protein, nonfat yogurt and/or frozen fruit. Sometimes I make overnight oats and eat it as ‘dessert’. Sometimes it’s just as a big parfait. Or I make it more like a paste/frosting and eat it on rice cakes.
It’s a nice way to end the day, top off my protein goals, and it’s a slow digesting protein so in theory a bit more optimized for muscle growth as I sleep.
Summer sausage and cheese cubes, or a protein shake, or sometimes I just finish up with dinner and call it a day! Really just depends on what my calories and protein look like. Some days after dinner I’m only at about 800 calories so I force myself a snack to get an extra few hundred in. Some days I’m very near my limit so I don’t eat any snacks.