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How much do you think a little bit of sugar affects autophagy during intermittent fasting?

Hello, I would like to know your opinion on this since I’ve read that you can get the benefits of boosted autophagy by caloric restriction alone (ketosis not necessary) ; so do you think a slightly sugary tea for example during a 48-72h fast affects anything that much?

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Autophagy does not “stop”. It is a normal ongoing bodily process that is happening all the time. Fasting merely accelerates it. As far as I know, intermittent fasting is not thought to cause any acceleration of it, you need extended fasts for that.

If someone has a study saying otherwise, please link as I’d be interested in reading it!


What benefits are you hoping to gain from increased autophagy? What is your diet normally like? Your body is always performing, or trying to perform, processes needed to keep it functioning. In general people would benefit far more from looking at how they support their body during non fasting periods. A good example of this is alcohol. If you are drinking any amount of alcohol you’ll benefit more from stopping than you will from a couple of hours of increased autophagy over a 48-72hr period.

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