| | Water Fasting

How to refeed after 7 day dry fast.

So I’m coming off a 7 day dry fast. I made 2 gallons of water, on with baking soda and pink salt. Another with cucumbers, strawberry, and lemon. I have potassium and magnesium supplements, as well as b12, vit d, and zinc. I also have some coconut water. But how do I actually come off this. I was doing this for spiritual reasons and not for weight loss, so I don’t care about the weight aspect. How long before I can eat meat, drink soda, eat breads, and other snacks and things like chips, cereal and yogurt. How many days to only drink water then fruit and veggies and what should I eat and how long before I can eat anything without worrying about serious health effects.

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Id drink coconut water the first day and broth the second day. You can probably add veggies to the broth to soften them. Fish is also light so you can add that as well. Since youre in ketosis, all of tge things you mentioned will give you big spikes, so you want to introduce carbs slowly. You can do that by eating fruits and veggies day 4-6. Prefferably, eat soups if you want meats. By the end of the week you can have soups with potatos. For the second week you should be good to go on bread, but id stick to healthy cereals with fiber. After 10 days your probably 90% good to go

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