| | Water Fasting

I am doing 18/6 5 days a week and 16/8 for the other 2 days...

is that okay?

Problem is I go to the gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Those two days, I have a protein shake post lifting weights around 10pm when I usually start my fasting at 7pm.

Would that cause any problems?

I’m pretty much a newbie. Thank you for your patience and help!

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Perfectly fine. I switch between 16:8, 18:6, and OMAD nearly every day

\>Problem is I go to the gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Those two days, I have a protein shake post lifting weights around 10pm when I usually start my fasting at 7pm. Would that cause any problems?

Yes…it breaks your fast.


Yeah, the protein shake definitely breaks your fast. If you find yourself not as hungry when your about to break your fast consider pushing your fast further and eating later. Or work out earlier. Personally when I work out I do it before breaking my fast but if your schedule doesn’t allow for that pushing your fasting period would probably be the ideal solution for you.


The key is being consistent over long periods measured in weeks and months and if altering your schedule for part of the week helps you to be long term consistent then that’s totally fine. If it worries you or altering your schedule those days makes it harder for you to keep that long term consistency then just consider altering your feeding window on those days to be 4pm to 10pm instead of 1pm to 7pm.

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