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I am so lonely i am shivering

Wtf is happening. Just ate 12 am. It’s 23:52 (germany) rn. My emotions come up somehow. And am lonely in general, but now that am not distracted with food it all surfaces.

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Just sending some greetings from America’s Pacific Northwest! I am so proud of you for fasting to meet your personal goals. Loneliness is part of life and it’s a temporary human condition in my experience. We all experience it sometimes. Wishing Joy and Camaraderie for you in the morning! Maybe a walk with a nice hot cup of black coffee or whatever you are allowed? You’ve got this!


its just your body getting rid of chemicals in your body.
i was a emotional roller coaster on my first big fast this year.

just push through it and you will feel better on the other end.

and take some time to deal with the emotions you are having.
you feel what you feel for a reason. deal with it and you can move on.


I have an adult arcade near me. I like to go there too blow some time. Other things that help me:Painting at the park, got a cheap little starter kit on Amazon. Help out at our animal shelter. They always need dogs walked, or cats played with. You could also find a homeless shelter or soup kitchen to volunteer in. Just get out there, and know that you’re not alone.


Write down a list of things you’re thankful for, down to even the small stuff that we take for granted. Like being able to walk, being able to take care of yourself as pertains to hygiene etc, for loved ones that are still alive. You’ll be amazed at not only how many things start flooding your mind, but at just how much better it made you feel and realize.. things really ARE good. It could be so much worse. Read this list you just compiled every morning and add one thing a day. Life changing behavior.. Also, you so got this and aughta be very proud!


You can do it! We believe in you! And unfortunately sometimes you just have to feel it. Feel all of it. Lonely. Sad. Tired. Exhausted. Just feeling all of the things, no distractions might help you to feel better. Eventually at least.


When I began fasting I developed pretty severe anxiety. Thankfully I posted on a fasting group on Facebook and someone said to get an electrolyte sports drink. I drank an electrolyte drink from the corner store and within 20 minutes my shaking went away and I have never again felt anxiety like that so as long as I get my electrolytes in. Maybe that could help you?


This is extremely interesting and I’ve experienced this aswell. It’s a great time to work on those feelings and why we feel this way. Honestly approaching it head on is the best. Sit with them and allow them to come and go. You’ll make so much progress just being comfortable and allowing them to float in and out. Whenever I want to change something in my life say it’s something stressful I use fasting to really feel emotions I find it’s the best way forward. Apart from that know you’ll be ok reassure yourself constantly it’s all temporary and you are rebuilding yourself and making progress. Good luck.


It can put you into weird mood phases, fasting, I’d suggest you be skeptical about any negative thoughts or anxiety after a day and they will often be dispelled almost immediately after you eat. Mind/body relationship is so key.


If you’re lonely, there are probably a lot of things you can do to be around people. Go to a local mall and try talking to some people, or maybe go to a park or people at work or church. There are generally lots of different ways to meet people.


People say fasting clears the mind. It was true for me. I am coming to terms with this fact too. Continuing to fast regularly has helped me clear up some answers, too. Perhaps the strongest reason I haven’t fallen off the bandwagon lately; having the clarity of mind to not only reveal problems, but help traverse them too.


I’m so sorry you are going through this. It’s insane what comes to the surface when we don’t have food to mask our emotions. Not many people talk about this very real side effect and experience of fasting. My heart goes out to you, sweety.

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