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I keep falling off the wagon!

My issue is I, (40F) keep falling off the wagon especially when stressed, procrastinating, angry, tired, bored and probably hormones. I know this is a long game and I’m currently flitting from OMAD (2/7) around 1pm or breakfast (porridge) at 10am and a meal around 4pm (3/7). I do get that lack of hunger some days which feels great and yet other days I feel I could be an advert for the all you can eat Chinese buffet down the road where I just don’t won’t stop! So… how dafuq do you guys stop yourself smashing some toast or chocolate when that feeling comes? Do you have any supplements or meal replacements throughout the day too? Do you just go to bed and sleep it off? Any little tidbits or useful hour by hour trick or treats would be most appreciated please.

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Hello! Don’t be hard on yourself! You are already in the right direction because you are here trying to do the right thing. It’s not easy, but you will get there! I find when I am eating really nutrient dense foods my cravings don’t hit. I break my fast with a smoothie which I call Strawberries&Cream&Greens. I use about a cup or so of Malk almond milk, a tablespoon of coconut cream(from the can unsweetened), a dash of vanilla extract, 1tbsp chia seeds, 1 tbsp hemp hearts, about 6-7 frozen strawberries, and a handful of BABY spinach. Baby spinach is important because you don’t taste it. I find that starting my day with this really sets the tone for the rest of the day. Try to look at the quality of the calories that you are taking in. That should help with cravings. I am also human and cravings sometimes hit, when they do I come to this amazing community and look at others transformations and it helps put me back to the mindset of what I need to do to get there. Try doing this before acting on your cravings. Remember it takes roughly 21 days to form a habit, so try to be strict and consistent for those 21 days and it will get easier from there.

Also, don’t deprive yourself of the foods that you love. Find new healthier ways to enjoy them! It sounds like you like Chinese food. Give this recipe that I link below a shot. I made it for my fiancé and he didn’t even realize it was cauliflower rice! We are all different, but this is what works for me. I hope this helps! https://www.flavcity.com/cauliflower-fried-rice-chicken/


I have been terrible about walking into the pantry and grabbing 1-3 Oreos. They’re small and they taste good. But they also make me feel awful and my chances of complying with my eating window goes down. So it turns out, I’m an all or nothing person. I got to 3 days without significant added sugar and I’ve lost the taste for it. It’s honestly easier to do 18:6 avoiding sugar than 16:8 eating sugar. I know I’m not speaking to all your issues here but that’s what I got.

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