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What do I do if I feel like I'm falling off the wagon?

IF has been great for me. Lost a lot of weight during the pandemic and I’ve kept it off. Over the past few weeks, though, due to a lot of life stress, I’ve gained about 3-4 pounds. Over the past couple of nights, I’ve eaten late in the evening!

What encouraging things can I tell myself (or do) to gently get myself back on the wagon? TIA!

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So here’s the bad news. Normal people, people with healthy weights and healthy lives, lose the same 4 or 5 pounds over and over to stay at a healthy weight.

They buckle down for a week and get it done. Eat less, burn more, focus on getting their skinny pants to fit better.

So now you’re one of them. And you even have a structure in place. Put some clamps on, be incredibly boring for two weeks or three and then right back to where you want to be.

I know because I’m doing it right now. Less lunch, better dinners, hot water only after dinner. Austerity.

I need to take off around 2 or 3 pounds. I’m on it now so it isn’t 20.


Thanks, everyone. I guess I’m a big fan of the “self compassion” movement, so that’s what I mean by “gently.” Right now (unlike in my past), I try to live my life according to my values (ie, prioritizing health) instead of shaming myself into action. I don’t want to live my life (at least primarily) based on a fear of something happening–I want to run toward something. I hope that makes sense.


You suck it up, recognize what you did wrong and fix it. It won’t be your first “mistake” or your last. You don’t need to define your journey up until now bu your stumbles but the progress you have made.

My apologies if this comes off strongly worded or harsh but I know in my journey it’s what I needed. I won’t die and leave my children fatherless because I’m fat.


I like to start back slowly. Cut down my beer from 6 to 3, start with a 14:10, reduce processed sugars. And just like how I fell off , I am sort of kind of back. But that’s a start and for me that is what is most important.

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