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I lost 100 pounds

I lost 100 pounds I was 360 something at my heaviest in March of 2021 today I am 260 & Honesty I thought I would feel better but I still feel fat and hate the way I look it probably doesn’t help that I was 170 when I was a teenager I’m 27 now and do OMAD with the occasional 20:4 on the weekend

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Hey, you’ve LOST 100 POUNDS!!!! That is so awesome and something to celebrate! You’re on the path, you know what to do, just keep on keeping on and you’ll get to that GW before you know it. But, to say it again… YOU LOST A HUNDRED FUCKING POUNDS!!!!!!


I feel you man…I started at 380 and got down to 265 but still can’t buy suits in stores, losing weight is so much harder now, and I still cringe when I see pictures of myself. I try to keep going but I get it my friend it’s hard


Keep at it no matter what. It will get worse before it gets better. The loose skin will be disheartening to say the least but if you continue on the intermittent fasting, that too will slowly be gone. I’m on my sixth year after losing 140lbs which was half my body weight and I’m still seeing improvement. Never give it up. It gets worse but then it gets so much better and hey, you do look better in clothes now and that’s a lot of weight not holding you back anymore. Congrats.


FWIW, it’s a common issue a lot of us have. Even people who have reached sub 20% body fat will have days where they “feel” fat.

It always helped me and others to remember what weight you started at and the progress you have made since then.

100 pounds is an incredible accomplishment and you should be proud!


When you travel by air, the maximum weight for each piece of luggage is 50 lbs. And those bags are heavy. You’ve lost two of those from your body and that’s amazing!! Don’t despair and keep up the good work. Also keep in mind that it isn’t only about weight, but inches too; losing fat and building muscle means the numbers on the scale might not drop as much as they did at the start, but losing inches and fitting into clothes from your younger years are big wins, too!


I am kinda in the same boat, I started at 285 and currently at 194 but still will look at myself and see where the fat still is and feel discouraged. While I can’t give you a solid fix, I can tell you what helps me realize that it is a huge achievement to lose that amount of weight. Seeing old pictures come up on Facebook of how I used to look, keeping a pair of my old jeans in my closet as a reminder, and my biggest one is realizing what other things weigh what I’ve lost. For example, the average weight of a 12yr old is 85-100lbs. We have lost the weight of another human being! I have a 12yr old so it easy for me to imagine him hanging on the front of me and that being the normal of what I used to carry around.


That’s AMAZING! you’re definitely on a journey that I hope to be seeing myself at. Remember this if your not “feeling” it, it could be a chemical imbalance.

Losing weight in any amount is not going to give you that feel good feeling. I know with exercising your body generates serotonin but even that only goes so far.

Of course it’s only a suggestion, you know you better than anyone else.

You’re definitely an inspiration for many of us that will run across your post, thanks for sharing your achievement!


I’m not gonna try and tell you that you’re crazy for feeling fat—since you feel what you feel

BUT please keep in mind our bodies thicken from the teenage years into adulthood. It’s very natural. So, keep that in mind when you set your next goal. Way to go so far. You’re a true inspiration!!!!


It sounds like you have been dealing with a lot health wise with the hip surgery. Gosh, it says a lot about your determination and drive to keep at it when you are dealing with health struggles and probably some pain I would assume. Maybe that is what has caused some depression, not sure if you have also been on meds but those can cause depression as well. I have been there with back issues and sunk into a depression myself which was due to pain and the meds. You truly are an inspiration and 100 pounds is a lot of damn weight. I cannot lift that much! I can barely lift 50!! Very impressive! Take it one day at a time or set short goals for yourself and you will get there.


If you ever lose motivation, just think that next month/year is gonna come regardless of what you do today. So you might as well do something that’ll make your next month/year better instead of worse today.



OMG. 100 pounds. 100 POUNDS!

That’s just flipping amazing, and inspiring. I’m 10 pounds down…. If you can do it, so can I!

I get that you might still feel fat, but just think what you’ve accomplished. It’s truly fantastic.

Good on you!


Thank you for being honest with us about your negative feelings. Like you I “hate” the way I look and I have about 75 pounds to lose. To me, you are a hero for being honest about how you feel - I know as I lose weight I have to manage and process my feelings along with the weight loss. Every human being is an extraordinary and unique manifestation of the Universal Consciousness. Despite all we know about the Universe, we haven’t come across anything like a human being. We shouldn’t compare ourselves to others and we shouldn’t judge ourselves harshly. Instead, we should step back and be grateful for our life. Thank you for waking me up.


You were carrying 100 extra pounds and all the increased risk for heart disease, diabetes and other complications of obesity. Be proud of yourself or at least thankful that you’ve bought yourself more time on this earth to get to your goal


Please be proud of yourself cause you put in work and got results. With that being said just keep going until you’re happy with the results and then keep it going to maintain the results you want.. it’s a life style

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