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Lost almost 100 pounds. Still feel and look like im fat though.

Title says it.

265 to 170 so far

Went from a 42” to a 32”.

How come i still feel fat and still look fat? I don’t get it.

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First off,, congrats on weight loss! That’s incredible!

You’ve fixated on the external unhappiness. You need to work on the internal. The unhappiness that made you gain weight to begin with.

Life is a balance of mental AND physical health.


Because our brains aren’t very good at adjusting to a new body image. You saw the change happen super gradually every day in the mirror — so gradually that you couldn’t see a difference day by day. No wonder your brain still can’t see the difference now. It simply happened too gradually for your brain’s self-image to notice.

It can help to compare before and after photos. It can also help to talk with a therapist — this kind of weight loss is a big change, and therapists are good at helping people mentally adjust to big change. Especially if you still feel negatively about your body, it can help to talk that over with someone.


You are NOT fat. You’re in a 32” waist … a 32” waist!You’re weighing in at 170 . . . what, 170!

… what do you mean, so far!?

You might FEEL a certain way, but there is no one who wouldn’t stop and just completely be floored with your accomplishments! You made it happen, YOU, made it happen.

You are NOT fat, period. Lift your head up and be proud of the hard work you’ve put in. Every day is a new day to leave those difficult days behind you.

Today is a day to celebrate!



It takes our brains a while to catch up. Especially if you have been big for a while. Losing weight doesn’t fix the head stuff. It doesn’t fix body dysmorphia, disordered eating, depression, anxiety, or any other thing people think it will be a quick fix. Weight loss can help. Hormones can be wildly out of whack when you are overweight and losing some weight/eating nutriously/fasting helps get things back in balance, but it takes a while. Be gentle with yourself. Be kind to yourself. You have to change your inner dialog. Something that has helped me is tracking ny non-scale victories in a journal and having that to look back on. Did you take progress pictures? Did you take measurements, keep some old clothing to try on occasionally to remind you where you have been? These things help immensely. You have to talk to your own brain and when it gets to telling you these things, you have to tell it no. No. That’s not true. That’s my brain telling me things that are not true. It sounds ridiculous but it’s true. How you talk to yourself is really important. If you wouldn’t say it to someone you love, you shouldn’t say it to yourself.


When are you ever going to love yourself for all the good you are? Keep taking care of your body and start being loving to yourself. If you can’t do that, learn what blocks you from appreciating all that it took to lose 100#!!!! You’re a rock star being wasted by self loathing. Do your IF as an act of love for your being.


Congratulations on your weight loss!!! That is a huge accomplishment and no small feat. You said you lost the weight but what is your height? Are you still overweight or obese? Weight lifting at any weight can change body composition and the “fat” appearance.


Being fat in mind is still fat. You need to change your identity around your fatness and focus your life in new directions. Who we are is what we think and that can take effort to develop and change. Good luck and great work—but dont forget rhe work on yourself never stops :)


I like to call it my phantom fat. I still feel like im in the bigger body of me, but im 50lbs lighter. Could also be that my torso is losing weight a lot slower than my arms,legs,and face, and that loose puppy skin isnt helping either. It has also been 1 year on my journey. Keep up the great work, we are on the right path.


So many informative comments here.

OP, my heart goes out to you. Your story is true inspiration for so many of us.

I had malignant narcissistic mother. She didn’t want daughters…only sons. My two sisters and I have body dysmorphia that I can’t begin to put into words. She called us ugly and fat our entire lives.

That isn’t true. We were and are attractive women. I know that down deep inside, anyway. The middle sister had bulimia issues for years. I’ve accepted I will struggle with my body image until my dying breath. It really sucks.

Get out of your head. Look at the evidence and the facts.

I truly wish you the best. You really are a rockstar!


Are those measurements for waist? I’m below 28’’ and still feel/look fat in my eyes…

I don’t think there’s any number below that that will make me feel actually good and attractive and stuff. Sadly, this is really a bad sign. Hope you’re not going down the rabbit hole of wanting to endlessly lost weight no matter how skinny you get.

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