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IF not working

Hi! I’ve been on 2 meal a day (TMAD) since Sep 2022, and then shifted to 1 meal a day (OMAD) since Nov 2022, I haven’t notice any loss in body fat
 if anything, my double chin became even more pronounced 😔

I walk a minimum of 30 mins everyday to and from school. But no fixed exercise routine or gym membership
What to do..I feel like I’m doing IF wrong.

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The meals might be bigger to accommodate your fasting so you’re not actually cutting out calories. You need to figure out your calorie intake and be sure it’s less than what you need to maintain. Someone else explained how. Also if you want to speed it up, you need to add in some exercise. Walking won’t do much, weights and building some muscle (start slow with body weight exercises) will increase the fat loss and metabolism.


You can eat one meal or 20 meals. What matters is the total calories in vs. out.

You mentioned elsewhere that you go on walks. That’s great. But bear in mind that even 10K steps doesn’t burn nearly as many calories as you’d think.

For reference, when I do an hour of CrossFit or two hours of climbing, I burn ~300-350 calories. 10K steps burn about the same.

You should continue walking because it’s good for your cardiovascular system but ultimately, you lose weight when you eat less than you burn.


Hi OP! I had to cut my rice intake so I only eat rice in one meal, less than a cup. It’s a staple here in my country too, but I can let it go for health reasons. If you are taking white rice, maybe you can substitute it with its healthier version, the brown rice. 🙂


What’s your weight, height, and calorie intake per day?

You don’t have to answer that here but go find a tdee calculator to figure out your resting metabolic rate to get a ballpark caloric intake to maintain your current weight. Then shave off calories from that number and you should lose weight as a simple matter of thermodynamics.


If you have a lot of weight to lose, you may end up with some loose skin–that might be what you’re seeing in your chin area. I actually have a body composition scale that not only lets me know my weight, but how much of it is fat.


  1. I’d check to make sure you’re still in calorie deficit and if you need to make any cuts, I’d start with starches. 1 serving of rice alone kept me from losing weight. Cutting it out helped a ton.

  2. I would try adding some form of exercise. It could even be 20 mins of weight lifting.


It sounds like you are possibly eating too much. You still need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight. The way I like to think about it is that fasting tells your body that you want to “make up” the calories you didn’t eat by burning fat. When you eat at a calorie deficit your baby burns fat while fasting for the missing energy it needs.

I recommend checking out Dr Jason Fung’s videos, if you haven’t already.

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