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IF while pregnant

To be clear up front: I am not currently pregnant. But I am one week into IF (16:8) and my partner and I are trying for a baby (have been for a few months, the IF is new). Everything I’ve read says to “consult your doctor” and/or not to do IF if you’re pregnant. Of course if I become pregnant I will consult my doctor. But if IF is healthy, wouldn’t it be ok to do it while pregnant? Interested in personal experiences not medical advice here.

(Edited for clarity)

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Don’t deprive yourself of food when you are pregnant. The fetus is not going to notice you are dieting and reduce its demands on your body. It is going to take all it needs to grow, and it will be coming out of your bones and organs.


It sounds easy, but I’m currently at 9 weeks pregnant. Your body will want food often. My stomach needs food in it or I vomit. If I don’t eat enough I get close to passing out.

Don’t risk your health imo.

Edit- punctuation. 😁


Talk to your Dr not Reddit, growing a human is a big responsibility.

You may have morning sickness and need to eat some dry crackers so you are not vomiting, so you would need to break a fast for that.

Getting good nutrition for a fetus is more important than IF, talk to your Dr.


I unintentionally did IF when pregnant, I had hyperemisis and had about an hour at 0400 which was the only time I could eat without vomiting. My baby was 5lb when born full term. She’s 2 now and still very petite for her age. I would try as hard as possible to ensure that you have adequate nutrition during your pregnancy, I wish I could have.


While healthy eating and lifestyle practices are recommended during pregnancy, many pregnant women experience severe nausea and vomiting if they have an empty stomach. I tell my patients to keep saltines at their nightstand and eat it in the middle of the night to not let their stomach go empty! A 16h (or whatever) fast will definitely exacerbate this. IF while trying for pregnancy is a great idea but after you get pregnant I would focus more on wholesome foods with good protein/complex carbs/fiber as well as hydration. Also aiming for about 150 mins of moderate exercise a week is evidence based to have healthier pregnancies! Your OB doc will monitor your weight gain and give pointers along the way, but pregnancy usually is not the time to try to lose any weight.


You absolutely should consult a doctor, as opposed to some randos on reddit. If you are determined to try fasting, then find a nutritionist to speak with and don’t compromise on the health of you child.


Do not intentionally fast beyond a 12-13 hour circadian fast, and give in to cravings.

Now, I was nauseated every single day of my pregnancy, and my kid (now grown) and I joke that he started me on IF, because I couldn’t eat more than two meals without barfing.

It’s one thing to make your diet healthy. It’s another to sacrifice your bones to a fetus.


I did OMAD during week & 16:8 & extended fasts before pregnancy. You should not do fasting during pregnancy because any weight you lose releases the toxins in fat & gets into ur bloodstream which could go to baby. (same applies to breastfeeding) I’ve read doing too much fasting during pregnancy can lead to preterm birth or low birth weight. I did do fasting while TTC but stopped when I got a positive test. If ur just starting now, I’d probs just hold off until after breastfeeding. I’ve gained 65lbs during pregnancy cuz I was at such a low weight for me before getting pregnant & now they constantly bring up how I’ve gained too much weight. If I had just not fasted before I would have only gained the recommended amount. But I love fasting & can’t wait to go back after breastfeeding.


When you’re pregnant, things are not black and white. Weeks 6-11, I had to eat every two waking hours to stop the nausea. I ate low carb too, so protein-packed meals and snacks were my saving grace. After that, I just listened to my body and ate when it felt like I needed to put something in my belly.

No need to stress or even think about it now. Things usually never go as planned when there’s a tiny thing the size of a bean dictating your life 😆


Thanks, all, for the responses. I commented on a response with a bit of the following info but figured I would post it here too. I have been pregnant. I have a two year old. I’m not interested in “dieting” while pregnant or “losing weight” while pregnant or anything else like that. I’m also not ignorant about how pregnancy can affect your body or how it differs for each person. I’m aware than anything I choose to do regarding food is something I should talk to my doctor about, if/when I get pregnant. But I also know that eating while pregnant is something that also differs for each person, depending on morning sickness, etc. and I was curious to know anyone’s personal experience maintaining or even starting IF while pregnant. Not looking for medical advice here, and I would never prioritize fasting over the health of my unborn child. But I’ve been happy with my one week of IF and am of course thinking about maintaining it going forward and the fact that I’d like to have another child is a part of that thinking. That’s all. Appreciate those of you who have contributed personal experiences, that’s what I was looking for here.


Lol lots of comments missing the point. As long as you’re ok to IF normally (without pregnancy) you’ll be fine if you don’t stop the very second you become pregnant. Obviously, consult your doctor about continuing IF if you become pregnant.

My doctor told me that the first trimester doesn’t require more calories than baseline. I asked her if I needed to eat more because I usually only eat lunch and dinner, and she was like, nah, just eat healthy meals. You only need an extra ~100-200 cal/day by 2nd trimester.

I was OMADing right up until I got pregnant. Once I realized I was pregnant, I added a second meal and kept it light until I felt hungrier. I added a third meal in 2nd trimester because I got hungrier. Talk to your doctor ¯_(ツ)_/¯


I did 16:8 while pregnant. Of course after talking to my OB and endocrinologist. Make sure you are taking your vitamins (folic acid even BEFORE being pregnant) and NEVER stay hungry. If you feel like eating (not anxiety eating), by all means break your fast. My baby is perfect and super chunky lol


You aren’t just risking your health, you’re risking malnutrition and underdevelopment in the fetus as well. If you are trying to get pregnant, you should go and listen to what a doctor has to say about your diet and do that instead of random internet strangers.

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