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If you gave yourself a deadline to lose 100 pounds in 120 days.......

Theoretically, how would you try to achieve this without doing an extended fast? You’re starting obese with a bit over 100 to lose.

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so 100 pounds in 120 days… it’s very possible depending on how serious you are and how hard you’re willing to work. Back when I lost the majority of my weight, once I saw how much I was losing (like 315 at my heaviest) I decided to make a game out of it… I wanted to do 100 pounds in 100 days. I only got to 87, (still a huge improvement) I didn’t take it as seriously as I should at times. I lived on snake juice for 72 and 96 hours at a time. (3 and 4 days, when I was on track) When I broke the fast I ate low carb, or better yet no carb. *(when I was on track, lol) I stayed in a ketogenic state for as long as possible (when I was on track and not binge eating). I used the Pee strips to let me know I wasn’t screwing up. I lost over 130 pounds and kept off 100 pounds respectively. However I’m still not where I want to be, I need to buckle down and lose another 30-40 and keep that off too. (understand this is an on going process) Snake diet/fasting is the only thing ive found that keeps the weight off… it’s also the fastest way to lose weight. Don’t want to do extending fasting? Well I would eat as close to 0 carb as possible(definotly 20 grams or under each day to see great results) and exercise everyday even if it’s walking, or just stand all day. Problem is when you eat a little, that fuels hunger hormones… its actually easier to get past 1-2 days of not eating and get in a ketogenic state and stay there because you have less hunger cravings and you have more energy than usual. Its hard to get used to fasting but if you REALLY want results you wont listen to anybody else and just do it. If you follow cole’s advice to a T, aint no way you aren’t losing weight lol.


Ive been close to it. Look at healthy foods to fuel your exercise and Become your own athlete. You don’t have to be a part of any actual sport, but push the limit of your expectation.( I miss lifting weights and kickboxing and running 5ks.) Be consistent and don’t expect a number. Enjoy the journey. Your weight will go places and surprise you. With this alone, I dropped 40lbs in the first 2 months.


Why rush it? Don’t put a limit of 120 days… Just get into it and be consistent. Everyone is different but I fell off the wagon a lot. It happens. Rolling 72s is probably your best bet for long term maintenance and reliability. Eat for 1 to 2 hour window, then back into 72s. Experiment and see what works. I went from 250 lbs down to about 160 lbs, 90 pounds but over a 3 year period. Then I now yo yo between 170 to 180. Trying to cut and get ripped. Focus on just doing it. Don’t worry about numbers. Most maintainable by everything I’ve read seems to be rolling 72s.YouTube the guy who goes by “Finally Fasting” and see what he does.


Honestly hard dry fasting, or death fasting would work extremely well for this. Look into coles hard dry fasting videos. It is quite literally the fastest way you can possibly lose weight. Just be careful though and make sure you understand how it works before you do it.

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Categories: extended fast obese low carb keto binge the fastest way to lose weight energy to fast losing weight lifting weight dry fasting lose weight