How do you guys have enough energy when dry fasting? Or do you just deal with the low energy the whole fast?
I have been experiencing low energy recently, sometimes I cannot even get out of bed, but I have read on other subreddits with people with the same issue recommend electrolyte pills. Should I try it?
Monster ultra has 11 calories but 4.4 calories of carbs. my understanding was that 1 gram of carbs is 4 calories which doesn;t add up. anyone know what's going on?
I have a very tight schedule and can only work out in the morning. I need energy to do my workouts
I am asking out of two reasons: 1. I do not trust there is such a thing as zero-calorie drink 2. Artificial flavour in zero-calorie energy drink may break fasting
Does having a zero calorie BANG energy drink break fast?
My energy has plummeted because of a vacation, studying and work. Is it ok to have a “diet” energy drink?
Is there any other source of energy that can be consumed while fasting besides coffee?
Which B-Vitamin are supposed to be primarily responsible for improving mental focus and energy? As far as i'm aware it's B3 and B6, especially when paired that supposedly do so. Thought?
doing intermittentfasting for the hgh hormone
For those who have done both repeated dry and wet fasts, how does the level of focus that you experience on a dry fast (24 hours or longer) compare on an extended water fast? This poll is just about mental energy...
As the title suggests I am wondering why they add so many vitamins and supplements to energy drinks. I am having a hard time finding the exact science on it. Is it to curb the crash or just to increase...
0 calorie drinks and fasting. Can I drink 0 calorie red bull whilst fasting or would that trigger insulin production?
I’m trying to get into fasting, however I am an energy drink fiend. I also wake up really early for work, so it’s nice to have that caffeine. I’m not fond of fruit flavors unless it’s raspberry. I really like...
How do you get the energy to workout during a fast? I feel like it’s such a bigger effort to get to the gym, and when I do I don’t have the energy to stay as long as when I’m...
I can’t even pronounce half the ingredients listed on energy drinks, but what are some key ingredients to avoid?
So ive finished my 72 hour fast and going on another one immediatly, and what i can say is that im feeling always okay, not too energetic and still hood enough to do my work, but now every single second...
Was ill all day yesterday and unintentionally started a fast. I had a screaming headache this morning and thought some caffeine would fix it. I bought a Bang energy drink. 0 calories Only thing other than vitamins and minerals is 40mg sodium Does...
Just wondering if anyone has any tips for feeling very tired and sluggish while fasting? I usually do 18:6 fasting but i work a very physical job and find it very hard to stick to because i feel so tired...
I imagine preworkout and most energy drinks are off the table (depending on individuals reason for fasting). I'm trying to start being more strict about maintaining the fast for the full duration but also hate black coffee :]. If there's...
Hello, I’m interested in attempting a 48 hour fast but I Monday thru Friday and am a father. Being overly tired/feeling weak isn’t an option! Besides drinking coffee, what can I do to ensure I’ll have the energy...
Having a very sleepy morning. Are there any forms of energy drink that won't break my fast?
I’m doing mostly omad and I notice sometime the day after I eat I feel amazing. Lots of energy and clear thoughts. Usually fasting gives me a bit of that anyway but there’s some days where it feels like a...
Just wondering which is better fat vs carb for immediate energy (say 1-6 hrs) and if they differ in terms of thinking clearer/could perform better physically?
I normally drink a Bang energy drink in the morning but i guess these break a fast due to the BCAAs. Does anyone know of something similar that will allow me to fast?
I've been doing intermittent fasting again recently. Basically, what I do is just eat in the morning before my workout and that's it. But now I want to take things a bit further and go on a full water fast....
Does glycine just help some patients sleep better? Does it really act to any significant degree on the NMDA receptors? Does it help patients detox harmful deposits building up in their tissue?
Hi, will sugar free energy drinks mess up my omad? I drink black coffee and lemon water. Energy drinks are super convenient but I know they aren't great. Anyway I don't care if you hate them. I just want to...
Would using this in water be considered breaking the fast? Does it cause an insulin spike?
Fellow Fatties and reformed fatties, Been doing rolling 48s no problem for last month, on 3rd 72 but have serious lack of energy. Drink snake juice all day sometimes more than 2L. Stand as often as I can, snake walk...
As title said, I've been doing 16/8 intermittent fasting for about a week and man, I haven't felt this good in literal years. Mind feels razor sharp, stomach problems I've been having for months are GONE and I have a...
I’ve been fasting for quite some time, but I’ve been struggling recently with fatigue. What hour does energy really kick in for you? 18? 20? More? I’m wondering if I need to lengthen my fasts. I eat relatively balanced and healthy,...
Im on day 4 of my 6 days waterfast, and what i have noticed is that my energy levels and hunger goes intensely up and down during the day. Like today i felt like death in the morning. I was...
I want to hear some opinions on this one, tell me about your experience... Are there energy drinks that you can have during fasting that are low/no calorie that don't technically break your fast? I have been doing a lot of reading...
Dear redditors My question regards the Keto-Diet: To my understanding (and I am a medstudent and im currently studying metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, etc.) we dont NEED to eat fats if we want to go on a keto-diet because acetyl-coA...
I have been doing OMAD for weight loss reasons and tomorrow I plan on doing an 8 mile hike with ~3,000ft of elevation gain and plan to start the hike at 5:00am so want to have an energy drink before...
I’m a teacher, and In the summer when I’m not working I find it a lot easier to go all day without eating (obviously cus I’m not exerting as much energy) but when I work I’m moving around a lot,...
I'm on my second 96 hour fast.. halfway through. First time wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Had mild hunger, but four days was doable. I keep reading about higher energy.. I'm able...
I looked around for posts about this, but most revolve around the likelihood of overeating when drunk, alcohol calories on top of daily calories, more likely to spend a day doing nothing, etc. Alcohol does hinder sleep and workout quality, may...
I know it’s expected to have more energy with IF (I had the same when I used to be keto), but does anyone else find they have a stupidly high level? Like I’m getting so much done and then finding the...
Hi! I’ve been doing intermittent fasting for years and I recently tried my first 48 hour fast. Everything was going great. I took a vitamin supplement in the morning and sipped on some water with salt and lemon in the...
Hi I'm curious If I'm allowed to have a sugar free monster energy on a 24 hour fast when the goal is weight loss, I also hate any type of coffee and tea . I checked my fitness pal...
Title, not sure if this has been posted before but reddits search function is notoriously helpful.. Planning on starting IF this week and I prefer these to black coffee, purely for the easy delivery. It’s got no sugars or calories...
Hey guys, I’m currently on a dry fast right now and want to master all 3 forms of increasing life force energy. Semen retention, dry fasting and meditation. I’ve been practicing semen retention and have been increasing my streaks. A...
Hello, I’ve been fasting for quite some time now. Usually after day 2 of a fast, the keto strips are a deep purple. Large amount of ketones. But at this moment, I’m only getting a small-moderate amount. This is the...
I did intermittent fasting with pretty good results when I was working at an office job, 16:8 basically losing breakfast and waiting til 12 to 8. However, my new job has me occasionally going out to do physical labor in...
I'm wondering what the opinions are, or the science behind these new energy drinks. Monsters and red bulls all have so many chemicals listed in them. This has many vitamins listed, but also has sucralose. Of course, there are artificial...
Hi. I'm laying here wanting to sleep and i get this odd question into my mind. If we disregard the need of vitamins, minerals etc. (All handled by pills or something calorie free), and you have access to water. Would a...
And if so, why are “starvation diets” deemed unhealthy for weight loss? Does your body “live off of itself?” During a fast? Is “metabolism” a myth in weight loss?
How do they manage to still perform well in the animal kingdom having enough strength to hunt, catch and kill their prey? When I go into dry fasting mode I’d be lucky to even walk half the distance I walk...
I'm a 20 year old male who does 20/4 IF with the goal of fat reduction. Energy drinks and in particular Bangs are my biggest vice. While it seems pretty clear that they do affect your fast, I haven't quite...
I'm a newbie and have started OMAD with the occasional 18:6. I can't help but think fasting really suits me because I've had a ton more energy (except the first day when I felt tired and dizzy) and this seems...
So isn't it optimal to eat bugs and plants given they are primary consumers and producers
I am doing a 40 day fast for spiritual reasons. For anyone who has done them how are your mental and physical energy levels on the fast. I am just going to walk and of course hydrate with electrolytes. ...
I’m not sure if this is the best subreddit for this if not can someone direct me to a better sub? I just want to see if someone can see anything harmful in this ingredient list. [pic of ingredients](
Started 9pm after dinner. Made it 3 days...was steady with water and started electrolytes mid day 2, day three started hallucinating sparkles in my vision and glimpses of light very rarely....all day energy fluctuated like crazy ending in groggy feelings,...
Hey guys and gals! I have a couple questions for the community in regards to energy drinks and pre workout(I’ve been doing IF for a week now, so I’m new) I’m going to start working out, and it will be...
Not doing this for weight loss.
I read that beef liver is a great source of nutrition and is basically a multivitamin but better. And eggs have choline which helps with learning. What other foods are you eating or drinking to boost mental performance?
So I’ve recently started IF (16:8) and am fine with it (only missing my milky morning coffee badly). Noticed that I feel better than I usually do first thing in the morning and in general have more energy and focus, which...
Hey guys, I’m at 120 hours and I have no intention of stopping, I’m only 4 kgs away from my goal weight, I intend to fast for at least four more days maybe longer. I just want this fast to...
I’m in the military and would like to lose roughly 20-30lbs. I work out every morning (mon-fri) and sometimes when I get off work I’ll go to the gym for weights. If I drink a energy drink it’s a monster...
Hey All, I'm a little ways into The Obesity Code and have listened to numerous Fung lectures, podcasts, etc. I've been 16/8 3-5 times a week and keto during the week for years but after starting the Obesity Code this question...
If you’re reading this now, good morning. If you’re reading later, it’s currently 7:48am on a Sunday and I haven’t had a wink of sleep. My cousin attended a wedding and asked if I could watch her kids, which turned...
Specifically Reign Body Fuel. I know artificial sweeteners might trigger insulin response, I wanna know if any of you experts out there knows if it might affect my fasted state, especially when it comes to ketosis and how long this...
Hi guys so i’ve done so many fasts before like two 10 days fasts and many 24-72 hours fasts These were for past 2 years This year ive only eat in a 8 hour window and i didnt fast longer at all I’m...
I'm planning to study for a new job, will take about 3 months. Is this a good time to start IF or should I wait? I cook all my meals right now so the cooking is not the issue, but...
I'm (48M) on day three of a my journey into IF doing 18/6. I just have a question that others will have gained knowledge as they've progressed. I try to work out before I go to work. Which means it's...
Hey guys! Do you think one sugar free monster energy drink a day is bad? I’m a medical assistant and nursing student, so it really helps me get through multiple 12 hour shifts a week and school. Pretty much everyone I...
I have been on semen retention and plan to stay celibate until I achieve my life goals. Obviously the 3 most prolific ways of obtaining more life force energy is through semen retention, fasting and meditation. But does dry fasting...
After reading multiple articles including the wiki of this sub, I decided to give 16-8 IF a try. Let me give you the context first. I am not an overweighed person. I have no plan to lose weight. What I...
Over the last few years, I have gone from being in very good shape to chubby to straight up obese. I have got to reverse this problem for the sake of my health, my waistline, and my clothes. And I...
I have been fasting for about 7 days .I am not hungry at all but all I can do is think about food .in the next year I am thinking about starting about vegan cooking show while I try different...
I am able to stay fasted for the “24 hour” period. Knowing full well it isn’t a true 24 hour fast. I just eat dinner and skip breakfast and lunch. Caffeine is something I worry about though. I stopped drinking coffee...
Day 3. Overdid it a bit yesterday and pretty low energy today. Have some medium mental effort tasks to do for work today. Done one so far... Finding it hard to maintain focus and stay the task. Any tips?
So I know a lot of you have lots of info around on fasting. In particular what I'm looking for relates to respiratory quotient (RQ) and fasting. So I think most of us are generally aware of the \~3 day...
38 M, very low body fat stores to start with (not doing this for weight reasons) Previous best was a 100hr dry fast, with some 72 and 96 water or dry fasts mixed in. Nothing more than a day since...
I have some previous experience with IF, mostly doing the 16:8 model for a few weeks and at one point going for 36 hours without any calories. I didn't really feel during these times that I got very tired or...
I started 16/8 this week. I’m trying to slim down a bit. I’m not overweight by any means but would like a trimmer figure. I do carpentry/ labor and I feel like I’m dying to get to my 10-6window. I take...
My go to is the Monster Ultra line which runs at 10cal per can. It’s all of 6g carbs and then B vitamins. Do you think this kills the fast?
I’m jumping in the train… finally. I’ve read many conflicting forums about surcharges free energy drinks and if can throw the body out of fasting. What are opinions on this? Will this destroy a fast? I’m really...
I’m just over a week into 16:8 fasting and my body has finally adjusted to not eating as much so I’m hungry less (yay).. but I’m tiiiiired, and I definitely haven’t noticed a huge boost in mental clarity or concentration...
Hi, I’m about to start back into the 40hr a week grind after taking a couple years off. Coffee and caffeinated tea give me the jitters after a few days of taking either, and then I usually crash with a significant headache/migraine...
Hi everyone! I have currently been taking moringa for a little while and it's helped my energy levels, skin tone, and mental health quite a bit. It's noticable when I do not take it. I'm currently using a brand called...
Kind of a dumb question but what are the harmful biological side effects of energy drinks/artificial sweeteners? Bang and Alani Nu have 0-15 calories and 0 sugar per can. Other than messing up sleep schedule, what harmful things do they...
Will these drinks/ additives break your fast or mess with your intermittent fasting? Even though they have no calories they still mess with your hormones that control your blood sugar if I’m not mistaken. What are your thoughts?
Coffee upsets my stomach too much. What else during a fast can I drink? Especially before workouts
Everyone who sees me drink it says it's bad for you. Cancer in a can, your heart's gonna stop, yadda yadda. But how bad is it really? From a cursory Google search I did, the consensus seems to be that the...
Caffeine doesn't do the trick to me and i always feel tired even if i sleep enough. Edit: thanks everyone for your advice!! Im going to look into some of the things you recommended.
Just what the title says. What foods help improve energy (reduce drowsiness, maybe improve strength and alertness)? What foods do you avoid?
Will your cognitive function be affected? How much sugar is too much sugar?
I've started fasting from 8 pm to noon the next day and I'm feeling very hungry in the mornings, Does anybody have tips or last meal of the day ideas to help with the morning hunger? I drink water which...