| | Water Fasting

Your goal is to lose as much weight as possible in 100 days. Which of these routines do you choose?

  1. 50 rolling 48s. Very small refeed.

  2. 33 rolling 72s. Small refeed.

  3. 25 rolling 96s. Small refeed.

  4. 20 rolling 120s. Medium refeed.

  5. 14 rolling 168s. Medium-large refeed.

Refeeds will have very low or zero carbs. Mostly chicken breast. Will be drinking 1.5 to 3 liters of snake juice per day. Light exercise like walking the dog.

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None of the above. One week split into a 72 and 96 (ie you’re refeeding on the same days every week). Single meal refeed earlier in the day. The consistent weekly schedule is great for plan and prep. The fasts aren’t long enough to make you feel like you’re dying but long enough to see weight loss even through the refeed.

I did this for five weeks straight last year and lost 38 pounds.


You’re going to roughly be fasting the same amount of hours (2400~ give or take) no matter what option. It’s easy to set up a schedule like this, far harder to do in practice. Do what you think is the most comfortable. Plan for 48s, If you find 48s easy enough you can always go another day or two. Autophagy as far as we understand it levels out at 72 hours; 48 will let you gain many of the benefits and any longer you probably won’t see too much difference.


For a while I did fasting M-F, and ate on weekends - keeping the refeeds keto or carnivore.

Lost about 25 hard-to-lose pounds in 3 weeks. Have done that twice.

In all, the point isn’t perfection, but consistency. If you break a fast early, whatever. Have a safe refeeds, and get back on schedule. It is not all or nothing. It is cumulative.

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