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Im losing weight but too fast.

Hey guys im 19M,6’0,100kgs and Ive been in a calorie deficit for a week now. Im doing a 16:8 intermittent fasting with a 1800 calorie limit. I dont have time for excerise but I have short walks. Today I weighed myself and to my surprise I weigh 93 kgs now. Is this ok or what? My goal is to reach 75kgs by the 1st of May. If you have any advices thatd be great. Thanks!

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Kid, you are 19 yr old, your body and brain are still developing and are crying for all the nutrition they could get. Do yourself a favor and try weight training, instead of going on a 1800 cal diet.

Metabolism is at its peak at your age, so even a little weight training can go a long way to activate your metabolism and thereby lose weight/burn calories.


Probably about 1 kg of that was fat that you lost. Some was less bulk sitting in your intestines. The rest is glycogen stores and associated water. Your muscles store about 15 grams of glycogen per kilo of muscle mass. Your liver stores an additional 100 grams. Every gram of glycogen goes along with 3 to 4 grams of water which surrounds the molecules. If you are eating 1800 calories a day and doing IF, and walking, your probably depleting that glycogen store and then your muscles are switching to fatty acids (your fat) for energy. Which is a good thing. As a man, and a young man at that, 42% of your lean body weight is skeletal muscle. So if your lean weight is 75 kg, about 32 kg of your lean mass is muscle. Removing all that glycogen and water from your muscles is about 2 kg. You also may not be drinking enough and are partially dehydrated.

But like others said, you’re a young man, you burn calories like they were going out of style and the weight loss will definitely slow down. Your calorie intake is just fine, just make sure and drink enough water.

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