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In order to drop 50 lbs, how much fasting should I do in a week?

I need to drop 50lbs, I’m currently 185 and need to drop weight.

How many days out of the week should I fast and if I do intermittent fasting, can I have coffee with Splenda and lean protein shakes - meaning I’m on a liquid based diet.

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There are a lot of variables that go into how fast and how much weight you can lose. More information would be needed to determine that. Ie biological gender, starting weight, height, activity level etc. You can figure out your weight loss easily by looking for a tdee calculator and find out out how many calories you need a day. So let’s say the calculator says you burn 3500 calories a day, if you don’t eat you will lose a pound a day (3,500 calories in a lb of fat -roughly). Caveat is that not all the weight you lose is fat, luckily when fasting most muscle is spared.

In the beginning you will drop a significant amount of weight, the first week will make you very happy as you will lose a lot of water. Then it tapers off.

As for eating/drinking, if you’re consuming calories then you’re not fasting. If you want to do IF than that’s a different animal. If you’ve never fasted I’d suggest starting with 16:8, then 20:4, then omad, then alternate day fasting, then go for longer fasts. If you go all in at the start, it will be very difficult. I personally have started doing 72, and 96. Meaning I eat two meals a week. The weight is melting off. :)


No to Splenda and protein shakes. Clean fasts only. For me, 16 or 18 hour fasts did nothing. I do well with OMAD (one meal a day) and 20 hour fasts or more. I am trying out 48-72 hour fasts also on occasion. I lost 70 pounds. It took a year and a half. Have 30 more to go. I would say don’t rush and just establish good habits.


Hey everyone, here’s my idea:

I’m 5’3, M, 30, mostly stationary.

Starting weight: 185Goal weight: 135

I could exercise 30 mins per day. Cardio + abs

Mixed with weight lifting.

I wake up around 1-2pm, sometimes earlier.

I have a muscle disease so I can be fatigued or tired often.

I would be having coffee when I wake up, about 16oz.What’s in the coffee: light splenda + coffee mate low cal

After workout, protein shake mixed w/ water, then vegtables at around 8pm.

That’s the best idea I got.

The rest of the day, I won’t be eating.

Is this possible

Note: This is just until I get to 135. I’ve lost massive weight before.

I was 275, and then I dropped it and gained it back slowly, multiple times.

I can keep it off by eating normally.

Just want to get it off FIRST in the fastest way possible.

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