Hi all
So I’ve been practicing intermitten fasting for about two years now, which has helped me lose and maintain my weight. However, I still feel like I’m very early on in my IF journey, as there are certain plateaus and general quality of life issues I can’t seem to get over.
One of those is nausea. I work 12 hour shifts 4 days a week. On those days I donly eat once I’m home from work. When I’m off I try and eat between certain times, but I can be quite lax as I consider those my “days off”.
Problem is, when I’m working I get extremely nauseous after eating when I get home, which sucks as I need to go to bed early and it can impact my sleep schedule. I don’t even eat all that much really. Maybe beans on toast and some cookies, or cereal.
I have considered skipping food all together on my days off, but I think that would just make me really sick in the long term.
Any suggestions?
maybe that’s too much for your digestive system as a fast breaker?
FWIW, I think simple protein is easier on your system.
Nausea after eating is not normal, no matter whether you are eating a SAD or intermittent fasting or whatever. It may have to do with the speed of your eating after a fast, but you should see a doctor to be sure it’s not something such as gastritis/peptic ulcer disease, or gallbladder/biliary problems.