| | Water Fasting

Intermittent Fasting getting harder and harder for me with age.

I’m writing this because I’m so discouraged and I have no one else to tell.

More than 10 years ago, I weighed 320 lbs. I discovered intermittent fasting; I skipped eating 2 days a week and limited my calories to about 1500 the other 5 days. It took 2 years, but I lost 140 lbs.

Several years later, my marriage went south; and I went up to 270. I did the same thing, and in 9 months lost 110 lbs.

Now, I’m back up to 220; and intermittent fasting is driving me to distraction. I don’t know why, but the older I get the harder it gets to not eat. Exercise has also become more difficult.

Today, I had trouble getting into my clothes; and that really scares me. The other day, I cheated; I went 1000 calories over maintenance and my weight went from 217 to 222 – 5 lbs; and, despite eating sensibly the next day, only about 2 lbs fell off. I’m scared.

I wish I could be as harsh with myself as I was when I was younger; but I’m not the same person. I’m not driven, the way I used to be. I actually think that’s an improvement; but it has made sticking with fasting so much harder.

Anyway, I’m glad to be able to say this to someone, even if it’s just online.

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I’m sorry that you are experiencing a rough time. I think it could benefit you if you were a little bit gentler with yourself. I’ve read that it is harder to lose weight if your weight drastically moves up and down and also it’s harder to lose weight when you are older as well. You might need to look in periodic water fasts.


I’ve been struggling with a similar pattern of losing then stopping IF too due to life circumstances and gaining back again. I’m very tired as well and less motivated than when I began.

I finally started on the bike again every other day and am trying IF again from the beginning.

I get it. It’s hard when you’re not in the same place mentally. I find that if I get into a panic about my life, the world, etc then find myself spoiling myself which I am paying for now.

Maybe coping with the mental and emotional stuff first, or while fasting, is important to be able to stick to it, idk still trying to figure it out. I get disheartened when I see people who started back when I did and stuck to it, while I feel like I’m right back where I was when I first began.

You’ve made amazing progresses throughout your fasting journey already, so just carry on and be kind and gentle with yourself. Life happens, you’re still on a good trajectory if you look at the big picture.


Losing as much weight as you have is an incredible achievement. As much as it stinks to see the scale move back up, make sure you are listening to your body here, especially as you are getting older. Large fluctuations in weight can weaken your heart. Be safe, do what you can to slow the gain, and don’t push too hard.


You are amazing! You just have to remember who you are! Take it one day at a time and it will click like magic! I have 45 pounds to lose that I gained during the pandemic and plus I had a hysterectomy so my hormones are off and the weight gain is real. I gently remind myself of the long game and my WHY - which snaps me back when I stray. Honestly, I’m on day 52 of doing 20/4 IF and I want results like yesterday. I gently remind myself it took a year to gain so it may take a year to come off. I’m in a different stage of life as well so I know how you’re feeling! And the weight fluctuations are real! I’ve found my love of Peloton and it keeps me engaged daily along with long walks. I find small things to be grateful for as I get to re - do this weight loss journey again. 🙏🏽


I used to do 5:2, ADF to goal. Then I got stressed and gained it all back. I tried longer fasts - rolling 72s, even 6 day fasts but I started to dread fasting day. My weight would go down then sky rocket back up like a check mark until I was heavier than I started with.

Three months ago I switched to OMAD and upped exercise. Weight loss has been slow but I haven’t gained. I even went on vacation without gaining which is a first. I follow the guidelines in Delay Don’t Deny book


Yeah, it may take you longer to get back into it but its better than you were at before OP.

Its also good to have Sports / Recreational / Dancing and activities. That will help IMMENSELY! (Also, the social aspect will help your Love Life ;)

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