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is 16:8 the slowest window for weight loss?

F 5’7 and 193 pounds my goal weight is 130 pounds. I would love to lose weight as fast as I could but i’m learning to be patient with my journey. I’ve been doing 16:8 but I’m not consistent enough to keep myself on track and I keep failing. So was curious as to what’s better during fasting and would speed up the process. 18:6?

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don’t let the OMADs rush you into OMADs.

The next step from 16:8 is 17:7. And then forward.

I think there’s a sweet spot for people who can’t do OMAD that around 19:5, but it depends on how bad you are about binging or gorging at that 19 hour mark as to whether you can move forward.

But there are definitely better weight loss strategies with shorter hours. Shorter hours, very low carb, eliminate sugar and high intensity exercise while fasting, and then waiting two or more hours to eat after the exercise.


The basics of IF is to have less time to eat food. If you’re not ready to prolong your fast, you can basically eat at the beginning and end of the window, push all the snacks/foods you crave there. That will prevent you from random snacking.

This might be easier then shortening your window before you’re used to it


I started with 18:6, slowly transitioning to OMAD + a snack, combined with a reduced-carb “diet”. Nothing complicated, but its MUCH easier now to not worry about food.

Take it easy, walk before you run, run before you sprint.


Sorry to tell you, but IF won’t “speed up the process” for losing weight. The losing weight part is still determined by what you eat and any additional measures such as exercise. IF is designed to limit the amount of time you have to eat, making it less likely that you will consume more calories (among other various health benefits). If you’re struggling with an 8-hour eating window, shortening that window isn’t going to make things any easier.

Practice, practice and then practice some more. Don’t beat yourself up over falling off the wagon - we all do it. Try setting alarms for your mealtimes, including when/if you might want a snack in between. If you feel hungry outside of your eating window, try drinking a glass of water (helped me a bunch in the early days). It takes some getting used to, but your body can deffo get used to 16:8 with some practice, and then move on to different eating windows that might work for you.


My eating windows over the last 28 days: 7,9,5,9,8,7,7,7,6,9,binge,9,5,7,8,5,5,6,8,5,6,5,7,12,8,6,9,5.

I think people in this community fetishize the exact timing of their windows. I don’t think that’s compatible with my life. Eat less frequently, it’s simple 💪💪

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