| | Water Fasting

Started 16:8 yesterday for weight loss...

Thought I would introduce myself. 39M Current weight 268. Goal Weight 185. Started 16:8 yesterday. Got pretty hungry around lunch time, but powered through. Sitting at my desk with black coffee and water by my side. Lets see what happens!

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IF gets exponentially easier each day, at least it does for me. Hang in there, it is worth it! IF had me down about 45 lbs so far with no effort on my behalf. You deserve the feel healthy again and the struggle is so very much worth the payoff!


When you say you powered through lunch, what do you mean? What hours are your eating window? Been doing IF, 16:8, Mon-Fri for a year. My eating window is about 11.30am -7.30pm, which has honestly been easy once used to it.

39m, SW240, CW195, GW175


Best of luck with the new regime……for the last 2 years at home we do 16:8 on weekdays (fasting 19:30-12:00). On our way to work today my s/o said she’d been feeling hungry all morning since she woke up, last night we’d had pasta at dinner and it’s not the first time we’ve spoken about this. If you find yourself getting the “hungries” when you fast, try to cut down on starchy white carbs and sugars in favour of whole-foods and vegetables.


Looks like you are doing all the right things. Keep it up. Make sure it is sustainable for the long term. More importantly, if you slip, don’t beat yourself up. Get back on the horse right away.

I started last September and have lost 25 pounds so far. November was rough with vacation and thanksgiving but even if I ate like shit during my eating hours, I still stuck to the fast at least 6 out of 7 days a week and that helped me. Didn’t lose as much as I wanted but still lost or maintained. Beauty of IF.

You got this.


Good luck! I started 16:8 3 days ago and my initial word of caution is not to over eat during your eating window. I’ve noticed the first couple of nights I’ve been really diving into dinner; need to remind myself to watch portion sizes moving forward!


You get used to it eventually I’ve been on my 16/8 for just over a month now. I go for power walks each day (1 hour 30 minutes roughly) And plan on going running eventually in between walking when i lose a bit more weight. I have nothing but water until my eating window. I love coffee and tea with milk and stevia. But i hate black coffee and black tea :(. so its water until my eating window.

I do miss my cans of coke, and energy drinks etc etc. I do however seriously look forward to making my own food in my eating window. which is all healthy food, Like salad, chicken pieces(no skin), fish, pasta and brown rice etc etc.With a apple and some nuts as a snack.

Oh yea I am 48 it can be done.

Eventually i am hoping this is the lifestyle i want to keep. Once i get to the weight i want, Im hoping to cut back on the power walking and running to maybe 3 or 4 days per week and not 7

Oh yea i am on OMAD.

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Categories: weight loss lunch coffee struggle eating window morning dinner starch carbs sugar shit portion size tea energy chicken fish snack omad