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Is being more emotional common?

I’ve been doing great with IF over the last few weeks, especially now that I dropped the coffee/cream habit. I’ve just noticed that I have been cycling through a LOT of emotions that I’m simply not used to. Like, very weepy, to happy, to energetic, to wanting to curl up and listen to sad music for an hour… Normally I’m pretty flat emotionally, unless I’m raging from anxiety or a migraine.

I know “detoxing” isn’t really a thing. I just feel like the more I’m in autophagy the more emotions and memories are unlocked. As if it’s all been stored in my fat. Am I thinking too hard?

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Many have used food (or drugs or alcohol) to mask emotions and numb themselves. So when you stop doing that, yeah, you’re more likely to show your emotions. Yesterday I was on a stressful phone call and when it was over, it struck me that at one point, I would eat something to ‘calm down’. But instead, I just kept saying ‘I wanna get high! I wanna get high!’ (‘High’ as in ‘eat’). And saying that a few times actually made me laugh and kept from snacking. It’s acknowledging you are upset and you wanna do something about it (but you don’t want to fall into the old habit).


You’re in a stretch zone and you may be uncomfortable anD i think it’s natural to feel weird when you’ve said bye to so many things in life.

My journey began with food sensitivites which lead me to have to exclude stimulants and then limit what I ate greatly. Going through that process was really hard and many times felt unjust and sad. In a sense I had to mourn what used to be and learn to accept my new reality. And whatever is true for you: Try to sit with your emotions, write down what thoughts are popping up and try to practice gratitude for your process and how far you’ve come to date.

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