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Is it safe to dry fast for 10 days?

I want to dry fast for 10 days, but is it scientifically safe to do? I have dry fasted for two or three times, each one lasting 3 days. My longest water fast was January of last year, 7 days, 12 hours.

I want to try a prolonged dry fast of 10 days and see how that affects me physically, mentally, emotionally, and in the spirit.

Has anyone dry fasted for that long? If yes, how did you feel by Day 10? To those who say it is dangerous, can you explain the science of why?

Thank you for your time.

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Yes, I’ve dry fasted for 10 days and longer than 10 days.

There’s no way to be responsible in long dry fasts unless and until you know your body and mind, i.e. are not likely to act irrationally, or be driven by fears and anxieties.

10 days dry fasting is NOTHING like 3 days dry fasting. I would work up to doing longer dry fasts, i.e. 5 days then 7 days, before attempting a 10 day dry fast.

I’ve water fasted for a month and have done multiple repeats of shorter dry fasts before dry fasting for 10, 12 and 16 days.

In dry fasting one is cultivating the mind/body and internal wisdom. There is no need to go fast or longer than one needs to at any given time.

Take it slow: enjoy each fasting day for what it brings! And in every fast, be good to yourself.


For people not ready for a 11 day dry fast (where you got the second acidosis crisis and are supposed to get the most healing) Dr Filonov (Russian Dr who is probably knows more about dry fasting then anyone else in the medical field) says you can get the same result through fractional dry fasting.

Do a 5 day fast and then within 2 months do a 7 day fast. Probably best to wait at least 2 weeks and maybe more between fasts.

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