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is milk bad for you?

People say milk is bad. Also. Why eat cheese when you can drink milk?

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I’m truly amazed people think there is one perfect diet for everyone. Lactose if terrible for some people that are lactose-ontolerant, but fine for others that aren’t. It might provide too much fat for some peoples diet, but might perfectly fit another persons desired macros.


I don’t think it is good for you. I don’t drink it. They keep cows pregnant to produce milk. Those machines relentlessly sucking on the teats cause them to have sores which become infected (puss) they then give the cows antibiotics for the infection.
All of that is in your milk 🤮


Ok so look. I don’t wanna comment on everyone’s posts so here we go.

Raw milk is great for you if it’s sourced properly. Pasteurized and homogenized is not. That’s where the most of the allergies come into play.

Plenty of tribes throughout the world have subsisted on healthy dairy for a very long time. Just because America and the global elite have bastardized the product doesn’t mean in its unhealthy in its natural state.

The fats consist of oleic acid like olive oil, saturated fats like Lauric , caprylic and capric acid like from coconut oil, arachidonic acid, ALA(omega3) conjugated linoleic acid(bodybuilders take this), and others all in natures perfect ratios. Remember omega 6/3 ratio is key for inflammation and the balance is mostly between 4:1 and 2:1. That’s optimal.

Lactase enzyme is intact in raw milk to digest lactose. Heating destroys.

Proteins are 80/20 casein to whey in highly disgestible forms, again damaged when heated. I’ll find out if the China study was using raw or commercial dairy. I’m not sure yet.

Vitamins, minerals, digestive enzymes, PROBIOTICS which everyone seems to be the hot topic these days, kefir? Skyr yogurt? It’s milk that’s sat for a bit. Water too, keeps you hydrated.

Already said it in the chat but the hormones from horse milk didn’t seem to slow Genghis Khan and his Mongol tribes down from almost conquering Asia. I like that story because no one could see them coming. Why? Because they rode their food. If they had to stop and forage it would have been easy for scouts to ride toward surrounding villages to warn them. But they could move so fast that scouts would be killed before that could happen. Does this help? I’ll let you guys know if I get sick from raw milk but in the mean time I’m drinking that top fat first. Cheers!


From what I know, breast milk is literally hormones. Would you opt to receive hormonal treatment? If not, why do it through ingestion? My acne, weight, hair, and period all got better when I quit dairy.


Full disclosure: I am vegan.However, I gave up milk before I ever went vegan (think nearly a decade before) because I read that the sugars in cow milk are very unhealthy. Now I don’t believe it to be healthy because it’s literally intended for an animal that gets very big very quickly, so why are we drinking that? But that’s a separate debate.


The only reason it can be bad besides the obvious of lactose intolerance; is the milk is coming from tainted cows. Hellish living conditions, shit food, made to lactate all day till the bleed and pus, shot up with all kinds of things to make sure they don’t get sick from living in literal shit.

It’s best to stay away unless you know where the milk comes from and it’s legit.


There is no evidence to suggest milk is bad for you. However dairy products contain lots of fat which is not good for you. They also have benefits like calcium and other healthy properties.

From doing a bunch of research in the past (I choose to limit dairy). What I have found is a balanced diet is optimal. Focus on healthy foods, and yes enjoy some dairy.

Smoking is bad for you (LOL) milk is not.


Just mainstream crap imo is. But as well, I believe raw organic dairy is very good for you.

Then there is some belief that, milk was made for babies to help grow. Then once they hit a certain age milk is not needed. Not that I agree one way or another, but it’s a popular thought


Unless you are lactose intolerant, it’s not bad for you, and may be beneficial.

Altruistic thinking aside, from a health standpoint, all things in moderation is the way to go. Aim for less processed, more whole food. The less chemicals or man made additives, the better.


Depends. I drink 2% and go through half a gallon a day for the past year and its been great. However i don’t recommend doing so. I only do it with the intention of improving muscle mass and a little bit to reduce risk of kidney stones. I also find myself needing to use the treadmill on top of resistance training in order to keep body fat percentage down

If you’re lactose intolerant, that is really the only time you need to stay away from milk. Otherwise its far from bad for you


Most dairy products are incredibly inflammatory, very high in fat and carbohydrates, and have have dramatic effects on hormones. The milk industry has spent countless dollars on research and marketing to brainwash general population into believing milk and cheese is a super food. It’s not. That said, in moderation, it can be very pleasurable to indulge in dairy eve one in a while.


It depends. If you have a sensitivity to whey, casein or lactose then no it’s not healthy. If you have no issues with that then drink away. I have issues with whey so I can eat cheese fine as it has less whey and I try to avoid “wet” milk products like milk and yogurt that has higher concentrations of whey.


I can eat raw sheep cheese but can’t handle any cow dairy. Probably depends on the person.

Also studies have shown skim milk causes acne in far more than whole milk, so depends on type of milk, animal, organic or not, pasteurized or not. I don’t think it’s unhealthy or healthy


What you drink is not milk. It’s a processed beverage. If you eat it unprocessed its healthy, but if you buy it from the supermarket and take it every day, well, it’s a processed food, like eating hamburguer buns. It causes inflammation because of simple carbs. Being fortified with vitamins doesn’t make it better


Milk is fortified with some vitamins and minerals that a lot of people don’t get enough of. Cheese is not usually fortified.

There are other ways to obtain the vitamins and minerals from milk, but for the average consumer that knows almost nothing about nutrition (and sometimes they don’t care) fortified foods are a way to eliminate serious deficiencies on a large scale.


Milk produces a lot of mucus in your body thats probably the only con I can think of. I don’t see the overall nutritional value of drinking cow milk regularly being a net positive either (even if its low fat). I’ve recently started liking Oat milk instead.


Think about it this way. So cats drink cat milk, dogs drink dog milk, humans drink cows milk wait what?? This is only one abnormality with humans drinking cows or any other animals milk.

Another would be that we are the only animals that drink milk after weening from our parents. The main purpose of weening from our parents is to help us grow but when we drink milk after we are fully grown we run into problems, what is there to grow? Most argue that tumours start to grow.

Another point is the protein content. When we look at the protein content of human milk we see that is is actually low in protein which means our protein requirements are much lower to say a cows. Another argument to this point is that excessive protein especially animal causes large spikes in IGF-1 which in turn can spike tumour growths again.

There are many other scientifically proven point of the real truths of drinking biological milk but of the top of my head these are the ones that come to mind first.


Depends who you ask. For me, it’s great for me for several nutritional reasons. Other people might not need/want the nutrients from it. Of course if your vegan the answer is yes. Is it detrimental to your health though? No. Candy is worse in that aspect.


If you’re lactose intolerant then it’s obviously bad for you. However humans are one of the only animals that have evolved the ability to consume milk as adults. The fact that you can accurately trace the spread of cattle in Europe with the % of population that can digest milk speaks volumes to the energetic benefits one humans gained from milk. Now I would like to add that just because we evolved to drink milk doesn’t automatically make it super good for us in every way as often in evolution it make benefit you in the short term during your reproductive period while harming you later given enough time. I don’t really think that’s the case for milk, (super biased here as I drink milk everyday as an adult) but I haven’t looked at the research into it so I can’t be 100% sure.


I’d stay away from pasteurized dairy but raw milk from grass fed cows is incredibly nutrient dense. And cheese has higher amounts of protein, calcium, phosphorus, B2 , B12, and vitamin A. Also cheese has less lactose due to the bacteria.

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