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Is oatmeal a bad entree?

I’ve been doing 16:8-17:7 for about a week now, most of the time I eat lunch as my first meal of the day around 1pm. However today I got a craving for oatmeal so I ate some oats with almond milk and berries at 12:30 and now my stomach is going absolutely crazy. I normally never had problems digesting oatmeal or porridge before and as far as I’ve heard on here it doesn’t matter what food you break your fast with if it’s only 16 hours. Has anyone had similar experiences? Is oatmeal just a bad idea as a first meal?

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Oatmeal would usually be fine after 16:8. It may just be that your stomach is still getting used to the new schedule, and the high-fiber oatmeal just freaked out your stomach a bit.

Maybe your body just needs time to adjust to IF. That’s super common when people start IF. Your GI tract is used to a certain schedule, and takes a little time to adjust to the new schedule — usually a week or two.


Honestly when in adjustment phase any meal upset my stomach until my body got use to the change.

If other foods don’t cause the same reaction, you could eliminate that meal and slowly reintroduce each item to find the culprit.


It might be the almond milk try make it out of water. Truth is almond milk isn’t that good for you . Contains very little almond. , mostly just b.s. Ingredients. Also the type of oats make a difference you want steel cut and not instant oats. You want no added sugars or flavor. If you want some sweet add brown sugar or fruits.

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