There seems to be recent research on the importance of diversity of fiber particularly in terms of benefits to the gut microbiome. It sounds like even a small amount of diverse (30+) FV fiber, for example, seems to have powerful...
Do you have preferences for fiber supplements? I’ve tried the Benefiber “prebiotic” fiber powder. I’ve never tried but have seen gummies and capsules as well.
And if so, is it as bad as blended fruit juice/smoothies?
Many kiwi packages advertise that kiwis are high in fiber. However I’m wondering if the bulk of the fiber is in that fuzzy skin part, or is there a decent amount of fiber in the green flesh? I know the...
It's very frustrating. I usually just assume if it doesn't specify, it is insoluble. Is this usually a safe bet?
See: question.
Is it soluble vs insoluble?
I'm coming to have a simple understanding of carbs and fiber. I wonder if doing a fiber powder (drinking) is beneficial and how that would affect eating bad carbs (like Mac and cheese). Would that effectively lower Net...
So in the mornings when I do my extended water fasts I add my electrolytes and then fiber to my water. Well today I just noticed that my fiber is 15 calories. Is this going to ruin the fast? I’m...
I have found i chickpea root syrup, it tastes good and claims to have protein/fat - 0 grams, carbs - 9 grams and fiber - 65,5 grams (all per 100 grams). What confuses me is that I thought is that...
I bought a bunch of kimchi and the nutrition label says it has 0 fiber. The kimchi is called "cut cabbage kimchi" pics:
Fiber and fat slows down digestion
If I blended fiber, like oats with a sugary smoothie will it have any positive affect?
I have noticed with bags of dried beans, different bags will have the EXACT same macros and serving sizes, while there will be a fairly large difference in calories because one will not count the calories from fiber, while another...
I think our carnivore and fiber friends need to find some common ground. Neither one is the enemy - there are much more important dietary problems ...
I've read differing opinions on this. If the goal is to **firm up** one's stool, which of these, in your opinion, is the best. Right before a meal? Right after a meal? Between meals? Edit: It wouldn't let me create a poll.
Recently came across an article on Healthline about fiber, pretty in-depth, but there is one paragraph in which they say you should "avoid taking the same fiber supplement" everyday, because it can both reduce the effect and harm your gut...
Hi all! I wanted to know what other supplements I should be taking in, I currently only use Metamucil and it works fine but I have to take like 9 pills a day! Is there something else I can take...
Hello r/nutrition! I have a question about fiber consumption as it relates to sugar metabolization. To protect the liver, does fiber need to be consumed simultaneously with the sucrose (e.g. fruit)? Is it just as beneficial to have a high fiber...
e.g. with the following ingredients collards, chard, watercress, radish, cabbage, kale, leeks, brussel sprouts
It's easily one of the most important nutrients diet wise when it comes to regulating weight, blood sugar, and diets high in it typically see lower rates of many types of disease. What's more, foods rich in fiber tend to...
Preferably, having low net carbs and high unsaturated fat, but even if they don't I'd still like to hear them.
I’ve seen online some evidence that every meal should include protein, fiber, and healthy fats, as these keep you satiated for longer. Is there somewhere I can learn more about why? I basically want to know some reasoning behind the...
We know refined/processed grains have less fiber than whole grains/pseudo-grains. But such data is not readily available for legumes (to my knowledge). Legumes are one of the best sources of fiber, but I haven't been able to find if dehulled/deskinned...
For those of you who use them, how do you time fiber/prebiotics probiotics, enzymes, vitamins, antacids, etc. with your fast? Also what are your tips and tricks for breaking the fast? (Particularly the ones that keep you out of the...
Frozen vs fresh
The usual search comes up with black beans and oats, but both seem like high carb foods to me. What do you think are good alternatives?
I've been reading up on how sugar and fiber interact in the gut. It seems like in fruits, the natural fiber pretty much neutralizes any harm that might be done by the sugar. Is this also true of, for example,...
I take 10 g of plain psyllium husk fiber and I want to double that but spread it out so I only take 10 g at a time. The label says that 5 g of this fiber has 4.5 g...
I'm looking at the nutrition label for the pomegranate juice powder from Navitas ([](, it say per serving has 5 grams of total carbs, 0 g fiber, and 1 g sugar. My question is, what's the other 4 grams of...
If I turn the source of fiber into powder then consume it, will it be as beneficial? Or does the texture play a role somehow? I’m asking for my pets but it’s probably the same answer. I have small tortoises and their...
Hi- using 16:8 to complement “lazy” keto. When I have tried to drink only black coffee or tea I get nasty jitters, and have to skip morning supplements. So I’ve started having my coffee in a fiber shake with glucomanan powder,...
So I've heard that when you make a smoothie with fruits and vegetables, the fiber is broken down, so the body processes the food much quicker, you get an insulin rush, and so it's not as healthy as just eating...
When I encounter a "hunger crisis" – usually around 10-11 AM, as I fast until noon – I drink a big glass of water with a spoonful of psyllium-husks stirred in it. It fills the stomach and does wonder for...
I saw this guy on the internet claiming to have 100g of fiber a day. I am curious as to how this could even be achievable. I know about Chia seeds but even then, one serving is only 10g.
So my mom works at a school in the cafeteria and recently brought home some scooby-doo fruit snacks. I loved these as a kid and now that I am older and know more about nutrition and how to reading food...
I heard somewhere that fiber is important in whole fruits vs juices, because the fiber helps to keep the glucose from spiking as much as it would without that fiber (so, juice) Firstly, is this true? And if so, would that...
Seedless grapes of the "victoria" variety and it's almost like a grape candy, it's so sweet. New Mango varieties had no fiber at all, extremely smooth and extremely sweet. What would be the impacts of a diet rich...
What does a healthy amount of fiber look like in a diet? I’ve been trying to research this buts it’s kinda confusing. Google says that men need 30 to 40/ women need 20 to 30 grams of fiber daily, but...
Understood that fiber is important, and the research behind soluble, insoluble fiber, and resistant starch. How did the guidelines arrive at 30-35g of fiber a day for men? Any help is appreciated.
Without supplements.
I hate vegetables and am sensitive to nightshades. Only get carbs from dairy , white rice, and fruit. Now for the longevety studies on fiber does it matter where you get your fiber from as long as you get a...
I have been following a neuroscientist on tiktok who offers a lot of advice about intermittent fasting. He says that fat and fiber does not switch the body out of autophagy. Acacia powder is a soluble fiber and can be...
What if instead of broccoli, one decides to eat lentils? What if one gets their fiber through some healthy granola? If one eats, in a day, tofu, peas, broccoli, lentils, and some kale, could one consider themselves “doing good” without...
Hi all, I guess the title says it all, but I've recently started adding psyllium husk to my diet and have (subjectively) found major benefits in terms of digestive health. Since psyllium husk seems to consist mostly of fiber, I'm wondering if...
Asking for advice considering the health of moderate amounts of fruit vs. fruit juice in a diet. Opinions about this seem to be all over the map and I can't figure out what's scientifically valid and what's not. The question...
As I'm killing/treating my SIBO and Candida atm there are many tocins my body has to get rid of. And as a feel the urge to fast (juice fasting) it should be a good idea. But I don't want to reabsorb...
Are there any studies done on how the benefits (that are already proven in studies) of a high fiber diet depend on the amount of fiber? Especially in the higher range, like, if you consume 70 grams of fiber already,...
there’s SO much debate on this. some believe it has 2 kcal per gram, some say it has none. I just want the truth! I use it in my low cal bakes all the time, and I’ve been counting it...
"Most people should consume 25-35 grams of fiber and 46-56 grams of protein each day." This is fine and all but that is an very low amount of protein for someone who is an athlete. I've looked for some standard of protein-to-fiber...
Hi. In the nutrition facts on a grains based foot item I have (unfortunately I don't know the English word for it), it says that 100g yields about 200 calories and contain about 50g dietary fiber. As dietary...
What would you incorporate into your daily diet to consistently get between 30-40g of fiber per day? I was surprised to see things like salad greens really don’t have that much. Other things I considered to be high fiber, like oats,...
I don't understand how this has any calories when it's pure fiber. Any advice? Sometimes i make a drink with it (3tbsp) but on cronometer it tells me the 3tbsp of psyllium husk is somehow 54 calories, but its...
Hello, can people please tell me a bit more about oat fibre? Is it the same as oat flour or different? How do you use it? Can you eat a large amount? Is it of a similar purpose to xantham...
I wonder if we can actually digest and absorb calories from xanthan/ guar gum and glucomannan. Nutrition labels claims that they have around 200-300kcal per 100g but they consists mostly of fibre. Do we digest and absorb this calories then?...
Does eating high fibre foods before high glycemic meals help minimize blood sugar spikes?
What are your go to meals that are balanced with proteins, fiber, and fat?
What foods will help in increasing gut microbe
Does anyone recommend any type of soluble fibre supplement to take before meals?
So I have heard that you should eat the peel of a apple, because most of the vitamines are in the or right under the peel. Is that right? Or is this just something parents tell their kids so that they...
Sorry if this is a dumb question. I know that drinks like apple juice are considered unhealthy because of the high sugar content with no fiber, but what if you were to soak chia seeds in 100% apple juice? You...
Even when in eating my balanced diet with my fiber, veggies, lots of water I feel backed up. I feel fine physically but just seem to have digestion problems. When I throw in more...
I enjoy fasting, but my body makes all kinds of weird noises that make me really uncomfortable in a quiet lecture hall. Is there any trick to quieting a hungry body?
I’m curious about insoluble fibre. Can it be absorbed by the body? What are the health benefits/risks? Can we absorb calories from them? What are some foods high in such fibres and how can we distinguish soluble fibre from insoluble...
I’m by no mans a nutritionist, just someone who keeps active and tries to eat well. I was thinking: People often talk about drinking lots of water to flush out toxins etc in the body? My understanding of fibre is it...
Or is it still better, even when the dates are pressed?
I know if weight loss is the goal, one should consider low-carb or keto too. But in terms of Dr Fung's "whole food" goals, what are the OK carbs? Clearly, "refined" flour is out. But is there such a...
Is oat fibre really calorie free? It still contains carbohydrates. Are the calorie labels lying? 🧐
As the tittle says, do we actually absorb the calories from fibre or they just pass through our digestive system untouched?
So we know that brown rice is considered more healthy then white rice because it has more fiber, but in traditional asian food they also use white rice (just from what I have seen watching asian women cook on youtube)....
I just wanna know how bad are the flour and the baked stuff for a diet or for a trying getting lean phase?
If I blend my vegetables, dehydrate and process them into powder,would there be any side effects if it is my source of vegetables consumption daily even if the amount of nutrition suffices?
What are the pros/cons of drinking vegetable juice on a regular basis? Not as a meal replacement or instead of eating whole vegetables, in addition to. Does using the pulp in muffins or something compensate for the lost fiber?
Whether it be in whole food or pill form
What snacks or bars have low GI and can be eat immediately ?
Do you know any studies examining Microcrystalline Cellulose as a weight loss supplement/ appetite suppressant? Is it safe to use it? Microcrystalline cellulose is an indigestible, zero calories fibre so there shouldn’t be an issue.
Anyone have a preferred vitamin regimen to go with on fasting days? I see people say different things they take but I’m wondering if there is a go to vitamin set that could go with to start with. ...
Is it worth putting chia seeds in my yogurt or oatmeal? What are the benefits? Or can I do without them?
Need Advice should i continue IF or stop it? I did my bloodwork last week and got the result. Total Cholesterol:255 mg/dl Ldl: 185mg/dl Hdl:48mg/dl Triglycerides: 40mg/dl VLdl: 8 mg/dl Weight: 67.5 kg Weight before i started IF 2 mos ago: 74kg My doctor prescribed me Apsirin...
I love fasting and typically do 48 to 50 plus hours at a time, but coming off even when gradual results in the runs. Any ideas on how to mitigate or avoid this altogether???
I've searched the subreddit but could not find any info.
Besides whole wheat flour being slightly less processed, is there a substantial difference in fiber, glycemic index, etc?
I'm from a german speaking western Europe country so eating bread on a daily base is something a lot of people do. While I switched already to [whole grain bread](, I'll like to mix it up a bit and thought...
Hello, I'd like to open up a conversation on this topic, of which I am very green, so bare with! So from what I'm reading, fiber that isn't broken down in the small intestine then ferments in the large...
Just a random thought
I usually make jasmine rice with my meals, but am starting to get burnt out on it. It seems pasta has a lot more vitamins and minerals which makes it more appealing to me.
How do you plan meals that have balanced macro and micronutrients? I think I’ve figured out eating in a deficit, but I can’t seem to plan meals that are balanced well. For example, you read all over the place about what...
I've heard that leeks, asparagus and other vegetables are mild diuretics. What specifically do these vegetables contain that promote water expulsion? Is it possible that they could dehydrate?
For reference ‘1 can pinto beans’ One ‘large russet potato’ Google search says a russet potato is roughly 77% water weight when mashed. I also found refried pinto beans is roughly 80%. How do they have equal water absorption when one is substantially...
Everyone does white rice but it makes me constipated. Brown rice feels really good for me