| | Water Fasting

It’s funny/sad that all of our profiles are now tagged as “nsfw”🤦‍♂️

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Edit - this isn’t up for debate. No, I’m not going to do a poll. This sub has always been 18+. As stated in the above link, we deal with a lot of minors, usually with eating disorders, that come into this sub. Marking it NSFW is the only way reddit allows for an official 18+ designation.

If you think minors and people with eating disorders should be allowed then you can let me know so I can ban you, too.

Edit2 - directly pm-ing me will result in a permanent ban and a report to the admins for harassment, I’ve already banned 3 people due to nasty rude messages sent to my personal inbox. Nobody would put up with that bullshit in a paying job, I’m certainly not doing it here.


I started looking into fasting in 2017 and that Nov/Dec I did my first 14 day extended fast after much research and copious notes. 80% of the resources I found back then are gone and a few could only be found if I type the address. That research had much more substance and much less fluff.

Unfortunately the increase in popularity has also increased the number of irresponsible and/or bad actors so I understand why it’s slowly regressing back underground.


No I m fine with it. I had the same “why? lol” as well. But after reading about people taking fasting as an “excuse” not to eat and develope eating disorders I m fine with it. I had a girl in my school who developed severe issues to the point where she was basically only bones. One day she stood up mid class and fell and just couldnt get up anymore. It was scary AF and I wouldnt wish it on anybody. So while this might not be easy understandable for us “healthy” people it sure is an issue.


I imagine this has to do with teenagers and eating disorders and I don’t mind that if it stops them from doing this in an unsafe way. I was young and stupid once browsing online about things that were way over my head. If this stops that from happening once then it’s a good thing.


Does having your profile marked as NSFW bc of you/us posting in this sub affect the algorithm for your posts in other communities and thus make it harder for your posts to get seen? I’m not a die hard redditor but I do not want my posts in other communities to be negatively impacted.


It sucks but it’s definitely needed - I was just arguing in a post with someone who claims they binge 1 day and then “fast” for 6 days on repeat. There are people who use fasting as a way to mask their eating disorder. Fasting is definitely not the appropriate tool in such a case. They need to seek professional help.


Big processed food companies and big pharma make big bucks on keeping people overweight. Of course they have a problem with a method that is safe and has been used for millennia (though not by choice mostly, just the nature of hunter gatherer villages).


Everything is NSFW because we live under Oligarchy and corporate servitude. We console ourselves with fantasy/sci-fi shows and other social opioids. No one knows what really matters in life and how much less of those things we have access to.

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Categories: eating disorder shit to fast extended fast binge overweight