I have some fat all over my body I want to lose, never done a real fast before but is it healthy to fast for me if i’m not overweight? also tips for fasting bc I get horrible cravings
I am a woman and 172cm tall and I weigh around 55 kilos, however I have read a lot about the longtime benefits of fasting so I really want to try it out. Do you think it is safe?
I'm trying to lose weight and that's because I'm overweight obviously... And this is the first time for me to follow our diet so i'm eating anything i like but at the same time i'm following calorie deficit all under the...
I am sure this may have been asked before but not sure I saw a consensus answer. Not sure I will but any help is appreciated. A little background. I (35 M) have been dieting off an on since...
Been doing a very very very lax 16:8/18:6 for almost a year now (which worked for me to build the habit so I didn't get burnt out). This month, I finally decided to try adding a 6-day/week sugar restriction (my...
And if so, why are “starvation diets” deemed unhealthy for weight loss? Does your body “live off of itself?” During a fast? Is “metabolism” a myth in weight loss?
So I’m no stranger to the world of fasting. I’ve completed a couple dry and water fasts a couple years ago while living out of the country. Durring that time in my life I was relatively lean. (M 6’0 220...
I have always been overweight for my height. I have always felt so bad about myself. The only thing that gives me happiness and results is waterfasting. Everytime i do it it’s like im becoming a whole new person. But...
Hi all, First time posting, so looking for some advice. I’ve been interested in fasting and have researched it for the past few years, but have never gone longer than 16/8. Recently, I’ve been having some serious stomach issues- waking...
Hey yall, had a quick question. I’m mid 20’s, 6’3”, and about 300lbs. I weightlifted for about 8 years before I stopped so I do have a solid base of a good bit of a muscle. In person, no one...
I am borderline overweight/ just over normal BMI (BMI is \~25). I find that I don't lose weight (or very very very slowly) doing 16:8 or even OMAD. Can I get suggestions on what fasting protocol do people in my...
I wanted to post this because it seems like a lot of people have family members/friends with bad habits and get a lot of criticism. I looked back at a picture of myself when my mom said I was getting...
I hit a BMI of 29.9 today. So stoked to finally be in the overweight range. I started at a BMI of 34.4 (194 pounds, 5 feet 3 inches female). I weigh 169 pounds now. Having lost a total of...
Hi everyone. I am 6'2'' and 235 pounds, putting me at about 60 pounds overweight. I have been on a water fast for 4 days, and am hoping to go at least 30, with potentially more depending on how I...
I’m not super overweight (want to lose 20 pounds ideally and gain a bit more muscle). I’ve also heard a lot more about how IF works wonders for men, but I hear less from women. I tried it for a...
I had twins this past summer and am still holding onto about 50 lbs of extra weight. I’m a stay at home mom, and I find I’m having trouble keeping up with my toddler and babies. I’m out of breath,...
Hi there I am a 21 year old M. I weigh 56Kg am 175cm and have a body fat of roughly 12.5%. I run 3 times a week but not more than 4 km. I have been interested in longer...
Where can I find find out what the average body fat percentage for a person based on their age/bmi? I always hear that bmi isn't 100% accurate but I want to know if there is a way to compare your...
When we work out and lose weight, our fat cells shrink but are still there. Does dry fasting really dehydrate the cell to the point of it's death and subsequent removal or is this a myth?
Im curious everyones thoughts on it, if you guys are only doing cardio or light volume lifting sets too
I am interested to learn the proper way to start an autophagy, because of how dr. Fung explained it will replace old cells to good cells. However i am not overweight and I just start lifting at the gym. Is...
Has anyone here reversed their sleep apnea through the weight they've lost? Asking for a friend 🤣🤣🤣
I notice when chubby people lose a lot of weight, they tend to look older. Thoughts?
Hi, I’m new here and was wondering how you feel about Coffee-mate Sugar Free creamer. Will this break my 18:6 completely?
Is this normal? I’ve been taking in about 3-4 grams of salt and my weight doesn’t seem to be moving. I actually feel pretty normal and was wondering if I should keep going? Thanks
For those who have lost a large amount of weight through fasting and other means, how do you view obesity, the state of being overweight? How has your weightloss changed your perspective or way of life?
I was wondering what's worse, eating unhealthy / bad but within daily intake limits (lack of nutrients but no weight gain) or eating healthy but too much kcal (getting all necessary nutrients but also weight gain)? I think eating healthy but...
So, weird question maybe, but did anyone else notice the disappearance of skin tags as you lost weight?
If someone wants to build muscle and could only eat one meal for the rest of their life, what should that person eat? Chicken, rice and broccoli?
I'm in the process of losing 70 lbs, but when I read about the effects of intermittent fasting to prevent loose skin, it's always in periods of 24, 36 hours or more. Would a daily fast of 16 hours...
Is intermittent dry fasting doable long term, between 20-22 hours of feeding window and does it have good benefit on terms of healing aswell? I think i am quiet prediabetic, not overweight, iam lean and i do have muscle,...
Hi everyone! I'm pretty new to this so I have a simple question. What would the effects of going below 1200 calories be (or which ever the minimum mark is according to each person). Specially considering a 6:18 IF with...
You know, like after i refeed and hydrate.
Why is calorie surplus needed for muscle gain? Is this essential? Isn't eating a balanced CH / protein ratio enough? Thanks in advance!
Would it make your pancreas “lazy” in a way and have a rebound effect after taking the enzymes for a good amount of time?
Hi ! I calorie count approx. 1400-1500 calories per day. I'm a woman 31 year old. My BMI is 24.7, I would like to reach a BMI of 22.6 . I'm inactive mostly because I have a desk job 40hrs...
I typically do a 4-day water fast once per month. I was wondering if there are any research that suggest that it is unhealthy for the body to fast this long or this frequent? I'd ideally increase...
Most all of the time when I’m questioned for not eating or trying to eat healthier they look at me in confusion and ask why? Or you already look skinny? But from we’re I’m from it seems like eating and...
Has anyone tried this? I’m looking into donating my kidney. The research I’ve done indicates a max BMI of 30 is allowed. Which translates to 80ish pounds for me to lose. Does this mess anything up?
I find that it saves it time and it gives me a lot of energy, plus the weight is steadily falling off. But would this be damaging to my health? I have around 80lbs to lose so I...
BMI is normal. Like I have the thought my mom is intentionally trying to make me chubby.
Because everybody i see that lose weight slowly they still have crazy amounts of loose skin.
I broke my 14 day water fast today, however I'm planning to get back to it maybe on Wednesday. Is it too soon? Are there any reasons why I shouldn't get back so quickly after a 14 day fast?
I had been working hard doing 18/6-20/4s and gaining weight!! So upsetting- saw doctor and was diagnosed Type 2, lost my shit as I had been working so hard to avoid this. He cut back my fasting to 16/8s because...
I fast from 9pm till 12 noon , During my fast I have black coffee and cumin water if I feel hungry. For lunch I have roti( made of jowar and ragi flour) with vegetable curry. Black coffee at 4...
Hey guys! I’m not new to fasting but definitely fell off for a short period and I’m hopping back on to straighten myself out! Unfortunately I didn’t really track my weight loss the last time and how fast it was,...
If I blended fiber, like oats with a sugary smoothie will it have any positive affect?
This post may come a little long but I want to share a few things that I learned/noticed while I started fasting seriously. I just think its amazing to have it as a tool in the box. I was trying...
What tactics do you use when it's tough? What do you tell yourself?
I know dry fasting can cause rapid weight loss, would that lead to loose skin? Has anyone experienced it?
For me it's mainly: \- Maintaining weight with good eating habits \- Keep energy levels high
Like the title says.. those of you who've tried just full-time keto before (as in, eating regularly, even if its just OMAD), do you lose more weight fasting than you do just on keto? I know for some people it's...
Been doing IF for several months, weight loss has stalled for about 2 months has anyone had this happen and how did you overcome it
Hello r/nutrition! I have a question about fiber consumption as it relates to sugar metabolization. To protect the liver, does fiber need to be consumed simultaneously with the sucrose (e.g. fruit)? Is it just as beneficial to have a high fiber...
So I’ve had a pretty bad relationship with food for a few months now, and I really want to try proper fasts so that I’m not constantly thinking and stressing about food. It’s always on my mind. I’m also hoping...
So I just started ADHD medication which had kinda allowed the whole fasting thing to become quite a lot easier. I am still big into weight lifting but have noticed my strength disappearing. I also haven’t really been experiencing a...
I’m sure I’m not the only one who has experienced this, but I will give you a bit of background. I grew up eating a lot of food. My single mom had weight issues and fed me pizza and a...
I realize that this might not be the right subreddit for this, but everyone here is so positive here so I thought I'd ask. At one point in my early 20's I lost about 50 lbs by running and eating better....
Soooo who else loves exercising when fasting? I think it’s crazy how our bodies are so adaptable. Like if I didn’t switch my workouts at all I can easily fast one or three days. I think it’s really psychological
I feel fine and could reasonably do another day, but I’m wondering if there is any additional benefit from going 120 hours or longer. Yes, I know I’ll continue to lose weight, but if I do rolling 72- or 96-hour...
5-8 male, 44.
I do not understand the general trend right now, apparently carbs are bad for you? When did oats, sweet potatoes, berries become a number one cause of obesity? How in the world did some people come to this conclusion?
Hi All, Male 51. Looking to embark on a return-to-fitness. Will be starting IF. Looking for an exercise program too. Weights / walking running program, etc. Thanks in advance.
* **Type** of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.) * **Context** of fast (start, end, day x of y, etc.) * **Length** of fast (8 hours, 3 days, etc.) * **Why?** What you hope to accomplish with your fast * **Notes** How is it going...
Boys and girls, I have 50 kg to loose and I’m worried about loose skin (45/M). Have any of you actually experienced loose skin tightening up during longer term fasting? It is often listed as one of the possible effects...
Hi everyone, I love seeing everyone's progress pics and was hopeful that IF could work for me over counting calories, which is crazy making for me. I'm a 45f, 5'7" and 130lbs. Just looking to lose about 5lbs to...
I wanted to ask others to share what was their breaking point when they decided to start with intermittent fasting? I will start with mine. I was on a company party and one coworker had this *amazing idea* that we absolutely...
Hello, i am planning to do a FULL straight 7 day soft dry fasting and want to know what to expect. I have zero experience whatsoever. Zero preparations and doing this for weight loss. Been on SAD - standard american diet all...
So I look older. I guess I am older than when I was overweight but now I have lines below my eyes like the ones that make you look tired but I sleep 8 hrs everyday so I don’t know...
I know a lot of members here combine fasting with low carb/keto. Is it your case? Do you eat pasta? If not, what is your substitute.
So I don't like IF bc of my life style, but as a woman I've been thinking about monthly fasting. I want to do it in the best moment of my cycle, so I think some days after my period...
Here's my program: * morning: take bp * flashing numbers on the bp cuff (>140/90) -> fast today * no flashing numbers on the bp cuff (<140/90) -> eat today (likely carnivore) In my past fasting experience, BP always returns to normal after 2-3...
25M 265lbs 6’4. I’ve been having chronic pain in my knees for months. If I were to lose 50lbs how much can my knee pain decrease? It’s difficult to walk now and can only do physical activities like swimming.
I built muscles at the gym, but I am 15kgs overweight, I wanna dry fast and get over with it (Went from 115kg to 84kg thanks to DF). How can I make it easier? I feel like I always crave junk...
I was a happy 190 lb with rolling 48s, 72 every couple of weeks and free-for-all weekends before the lockdowns. I have tried almost every week to restart for the last year and have gone up to the heaviest...
Hy guys, I had lost a lot of weight using 16:8 method but I also kept my food in check but now i have to eat a little more because i my mind occupid somewhere esle so can't really eat...
#Share your daily fast story thread! 📃 ⏳ **Length** of fast (*start/end/total*) ❓ **Why are you fasting?** (ex: *weight loss, other health benefits, spiritual/religious reasons*) 📝 **Notes** (*How is it going so far? Any concerns? Insights to share?*)...
* **Type** of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.) * **Context** of fast (start, end, day x of y, etc.) * **Length** of fast (8 hours, 3 days, etc.) * **Why?** What you hope to accomplish with your fast * **Notes** How is it going...
Is it safe to fast when you don’t have a lot of body fat to start? If so, how long would you all recommend? I’ve been reading a lot about fasting for overall health, which I am hoping improves my PCOS...
I am currently at 20% body fat so i want to cut to become leaner. I am at a low carb diet and i just eat alot till i am full so i know i am geting alot of fat...
I usually make jasmine rice with my meals, but am starting to get burnt out on it. It seems pasta has a lot more vitamins and minerals which makes it more appealing to me.
How do I know if I’m comfort eating? I was told by my dad that I was fat my whole life, looking back on photos I was just as skinny as everyone else. My first diets started when I was...
Title says it. 265 to 170 so far Went from a 42" to a 32". How come i still feel fat and still look fat? I don't get it.
I list 50lbs in 2021 with intermittent fasting. I was sooo proud. And looked so great. Then, with changing my diet or eating habits, the weight all flew back on in 2021! I’m still intermittent fasting, but it’s stopped working....
I went from 255 to 140 with keto and IF (usually OMAD with occasional 48h and 72h fasts in between). I'm now maintaining with low-carb and 16:8 IF. That means I skip breakfast and I don't ever snack even in...
Let's say that I can manage my diet well with a slight calorie deficit, but at the same time I want to treat myself to a cheat meal on Saturday to have that incentive to continue it (perhaps by being...
I've done IF for a few months and seen some results But I'm thinking maybe going back to normal habits and eating a few meals, I'm just left feeling weak all day.... If I went back to normal eating habits but...